アルベルトーキョーの進化を楽しむ【選手編】<br />


Enjoy the evolution of Alberto Tokyo [Player Edition]
~2022 Blue-Red Warriors, the must-check recommendation!~

Enjoy the evolution of Alberto Tokyo [Player Edition]
~2022 Blue-Red Warriors, Must-Check Recommendation!~

Hello Tokyo fans and supporters!

I apologize for the sudden intrusion, but please bear with me for a moment as I share a personal story...

I served as the Tokyo correspondent for the soccer newspaper "El Golazo" until the 2020 season. During that time, I was greatly indebted to all of you for your support through my weekly articles. Even when I stepped down from my position, I received many kind messages of love and I am still grateful for them.

I have left the journalism profession and transformed myself so that I can enjoy Tokyo with the same sensations as all of you. I have distanced myself from the reporting scene and now work in the field of business, overseeing Ergorasso reporters nationwide and engaging in business development. As for matches, I mainly watch them on DAZN and go to the stadium with my son using tickets, rather than sitting in the press box. In both my work and watching matches, there are many views that I couldn't see during my time as a journalist, which was closer to a specialized profession of conducting interviews and producing articles. It could be said that this is a perspective from the viewpoint of fans and users.

Of course, for those of you who work at a company, this is nothing special. In such a busy life, I think there are many people who have "soccer" and "Tokyo" as a temporary pleasure to forget about work.

When I was a reporter, I always used to think in a complicated way, like "it's about tactics, it's about analyzing players." Of course, I still keep the knowledge and perspectives I gained back then in the back of my mind, but now I can enjoy "soccer" and "Tokyo" with pure excitement and sometimes with mixed feelings of frustration and joy. By the way, I'm writing this article right after the 13th round match against Iwata. We are currently on a 3-game losing streak... I can understand how everyone feels (bitter smile).

There was an opportunity to make a championship prediction at the start of this season.

I have been thinking in my heart, "Tokyo, will they have a season this year?" Normally, it would be impossible for a team that performed poorly last season to suddenly win the championship in a season with a new coach. However, I am no longer a calm journalist (laughs). In the past, the idea of "winning" would never have crossed my mind so easily, but now that I am purely focused on Tokyo, I may naturally have become more optimistic in my thinking. "This team is strong this season, right?" I am definitely in a state of "excessive fan mentality". Yes.

That being said, this is not entirely an unfounded opinion.

The reason why I recommend Tokyo this season. It is because they have a strong lineup and are challenging an aggressive style.

Tokyo's history has been characterized by a rapid change in playing style. In recent years, the team has tended to achieve results when adopting a defensive style of play. The eras of coach Massimo FICCADENTI and coach Kenta HASEGAWA are good examples of this.

However, I think there are some people who have kept the desire to see how far they can fight with attacking soccer when there are good players. That long-awaited time has finally come. The players in Tokyo now have the potential to play at a high level and create a game that makes you want to watch it at the stadium.

And yet, Coach Alberto. Surprisingly, he also has a strict side. While it takes time to build a style of connecting passes, he also emphasizes quick counterattacks, intense play, and hard work, all essential elements for victory. Despite being an idealist, he also values results. Seeing this balance, it increases the excitement for the game and the expectation for a winner.

The club asked me to write an article focusing on the players. Oops, I've been talking about myself the whole time and haven't mentioned the players at all... But honestly, this season we have so many players who play attractive football under an attacking style, and I can't possibly write about all of them.

Above all, it's nice to see all the players showing a new side, big or small.

The goalkeeper who makes big saves
Jakub SLOWIK, the newly joined goalkeeper. He is outstanding. Just like in Sendai, he is making the stadium roar with his big saves in Tokyo, but what I am concerned about is his play at his feet. Certainly, there are some mistakes, but he is connecting passes more solidly than I expected. Don't you all think so? He said before the start of the season, "I know the importance of absorbing new things. I want to adapt to Tokyo's style." You can catch a glimpse of his attitude from his current play. He is hardworking and wonderful.

The defender combination that becomes the starting point of fun
Masato Morishige and Yasuki Kimoto, both center backs. They are modern, aren't they? Defenders in the modern era cannot just focus on defending. Morishige has long supported the team with his high-precision kicks, but this season, Kimoto has joined and a new versatile combination has been born. Kimoto's vertical passes, like Morishige's, are sometimes sharp and sometimes smooth. They have become even more important as key players in Alber's style of soccer. Soccer is something that gets more exciting as you get closer to the opponent's goal, and this season, for Tokyo, the "play in the back = the timing when Morishige and Kimoto have the ball" is the starting point of that excitement. This cannot be overlooked.

Handsome and energetic Fresh Lefty
It goes without saying that the charm of Kuryu Matsuki, also known as the "handsome and energetic fresh midfielder," is already well known to everyone. He is sparkling and dazzling. However, if you have never seen Matsuki's play live, it is better to watch it at the stadium. As a potential new star in Tokyo, he moves and runs well. Moreover, he is physically strong. Watching his play is refreshing and exciting, and his movements naturally catch your eye. He always keeps his back straight and runs on the pitch with good posture, which is sure to captivate the audience in the stands. He is gradually becoming an important presence tactically, so he is also a player whose understanding deepens by developing a keen eye for watching soccer. He is perfect for those who want to enjoy it in an easy-to-understand and enjoyable way, as well as for those who want to observe from an expert's perspective.

Versatile attacking ace in blue and red
The signboard attack. Adailton's powerful breakthrough, Leandro's technique that scored a super goal at the Japan National Stadium, Nagai Kensuke's explosive speed. In addition, this season, Konno Kazuya's unpredictable dribbling has also been added, but among them, the vice captain Diego Oliveira is the one I sincerely support. To be honest, he used to be a more inconsistent player, but he has been in Tokyo for a long time and his awareness and responsibility have increased, which has led to his dedication in every game. Diego's self-sacrificing play is even more impressive recently. I don't know, but he has always had a dilemma of not being able to become a winner even though he has been playing well, and now I feel a sense of sadness on his back. That's why his determination to "win" becomes more and more evident year by year. A versatile attacking ace in blue and red. In addition to his skilled and powerful play so far, Diego's soulful performance this season is also a must-see.

I have been writing on and on. One thing I can say for sure is that Tokyo this season has been providing a visibly enjoyable battle, different from the past few years. From the perspective of a fan and user, I personally feel that it is a very entertaining team with lots of movement from the ball and the players. And Albert's coach's SNS posts also play a role in bringing the team closer to everyone. In this interactive era, this sense of closeness is important.

On the board of an attacking style, a variety of cast members dance. As the team's organization improves, the players' individuality multiplies rather than adds up, amplifying the charm of Coach Albert's soccer. This season, it will be exciting to see how far it will go.

Finally, I would like to deliver an important message that I wanted to convey to all of you. I will deliver it in the style of the nostalgic comedy show "Bakusho On Air Battle" that I just watched the other day.

"Creating a new Tokyo... is up to the coach, players, club staff, and all of you who are heading to Ajinomoto Stadium!"

Thank you for joining us until the end! See you again soon! (lol)

Text by Yuki Nishikawa (Ergorasso)