前半戦振り返りインタビュー<br />
#24 ヤクブ スウォビィク


First half review interview
#24 Jakub SLOWIK

Q: How do you analyze the battle so far, looking back on the first half?
A season has started under a new coach and a new style, and it has been a time of many new discoveries and realizations for us. As the first half of the season comes to an end, I believe the most important thing is for us to approach new challenges in practice with enthusiasm and actively work on improving ourselves day by day. I think it is important to have the mindset of gradually improving in team tactics, individual tactics, and everything else through practice. In that sense, I feel that we are not heading in the wrong direction, but rather in a good direction.

Q, you commented that the new style is a new challenge for yourself. Do you feel your growth in adapting to the new style during the game?
First of all, I am working hard every day from practice to improve myself from yesterday to today, and from today to tomorrow. Therefore, I am very positive about the new style and I intend to continue working to improve every day. It is difficult for the team to progress easily with the new style, but I want you to remember that we have gradually improved compared to the first week of the season's camp, and we feel that too. I think time is necessary, and in order for the team to mature more, each individual needs to pay attention to the finer details and work on them. However, in this season's fight, I think the team will mature more by taking a positive approach and working to win the game in order to win the title, as good aspects are also emerging.

Q: Many media outlets have mentioned Jakub SLOWIK as a key player in the first half of the season. How do you feel about your own performance?
A, as for myself, I am training every day with the mindset of getting closer to being a better goalkeeper than yesterday. Of course, this season, there have been games where I was able to earn points by stopping shots, and I have also prevented decisive chances a few times. However, I believe that it is not just my individual effort, but the collective effort of the entire team, including the defensive players. I think that scoring goals is not only the result of the players who scored, but also a reflection of the team's overall strength. In that sense, I think the team is moving in a better direction. As a representative of the team, I play in the matches, but I also have the support of goalkeepers like Kodama and Hatano, who train together with me, as well as the support of various people, including the coaching staff who support the matches. I believe that the good results we have achieved so far are thanks to everyone who fights together. With gratitude towards everyone, I will continue to prepare myself well so that I can perform well as a representative of the team when I step onto the pitch.

Q: What do you need to do to make the team better in the second half?
Football is a sport where even small things can change the outcome. To achieve good results, it is important to believe in what we are currently working on and continue. Sometimes, it is necessary to be patient and keep going. In that sense, I am confident that Tokyo will achieve good results in the near future. I also want to do my best to win the next game. I truly believe that we are on the right path, so it is crucial for every member of the team to believe in what we are doing and continue to work hard.