DAY2 小泉慶



On the second day of the camp, we were honored to have visitors from Kunigami Village and they held a welcoming ceremony for us. Here is a glimpse of the event.
After receiving words of encouragement from Kunigami Village Mayor Chinami Village, Coach Albert gave a greeting on behalf of the team and received gifts from everyone involved.

The morning practice started after the commemorative photo was taken with everyone.

Today is the start of the second division practice.

Circuit training, dash, possession and physical-based menus, as well as ball-based menus, were performed with intense training, and the players also worked on each menu with high intensity.



In the afternoon, the team started training to incorporate the style that Coach Albert is looking for, focusing on tactical exercises, aiming to further instill it in the team compared to last season.


The camp has just begun. From now on, even more intense training will continue.

Players carefully stretched before practice to prevent injuries, and also took care of themselves after practice.

We will continue to build the team with second division practice tomorrow.

On the second day of the camp, we interviewed new player Kei Koizumi.

Q, Did you feel the reality of coming to Tokyo again when you participated in the new system announcement?
A, I met with the Tokyo coach, players, and staff, put on the uniform, and felt both the excitement of starting and a fresh feeling.

Q, how was it to practice for the first time in front of fans and supporters at the Kodaigahara Ground on the starting day?
On the day of the launch, I think the fans and supporters in Tokyo were really looking forward to it, and I think they are expecting a lot from the team from now on. So, as players, we just have to do our best to live up to those expectations. I believe that by creating something even more exciting than expected, we can make it even more exciting, so we want to aim for that as players.

Q, Have any players bonded within the team since the start of camp?
A, having players of the same age is a big help. I am not the type to approach people easily, but I can't say that after transferring. I will also turn 28 this year and since there are many young players in Tokyo, I think I will be in a middle position. I want to actively talk to various players, not just about soccer. However, both older and younger players have welcomed me, and we only have a feeling of gratitude. I hope the team can come together as one.

Q, how is your physical condition on the second day of camp?
A, it is still in the early stages and is a stage of building a base for both personal physical aspects and team tactics for this season. We also have practice matches from now on, so we want to make sure not to waste a single day.

Q, there were many scenes where I talked with coach Albert.
A, the coach talked to me about the position and what he is looking for, and it's really helpful that he holds meetings not only with players who have experienced last season, but also with new players who have joined the team.

Q, How do you perceive the soccer that the coach is looking for? I think there was also a tactical menu today.
A, I was able to grasp that the soccer we have been doing since last season was made possible by these practices. I came from a different team, so of course there are difficult things, but I feel that I have to quickly get used to it and ask and think for myself about things I don't understand.

Q, What kind of camp do you want to make?
A, my personal goal is to not get injured. I am very aware that this season will be my 10th year as a professional and that I have had the most injuries, so my goal is to not forget the importance of that and to absorb Tokyo's soccer, and to have a good time with my teammates. Since most of the camp is second division training, I hope to give 100% effort to each training menu.