
Interview with Kensuke NAGAI

Q, it was the first practice match against a J1 team to work on a new style of football. How did it go?
A, the team as a whole still feels like there are many easy mistakes. If we make such mistakes in official matches, it will lead to conceding goals, so I have a sense of crisis that we need to fix them in the remaining time, including the one-week camp.

Q, are you currently in the stage of trial and error?
A, yes. The mistakes made as a result of the challenge and the mistakes made by doing nothing are completely different, so we are challenging while confirming with everyone. We always talk about resolving the issues that arise from the challenges and improving.

Q, how do you feel about your own progress as a player while challenging this new style of soccer?
The coach is said to place importance on holding the ball, but at the same time, he also wants us to be proactive. I hope we can create more opportunities to be proactive. It has only been two weeks since the start of the camp, so I want to improve our accuracy in the remaining week and start the season in a good condition.

Q, I also want to improve communication between players.
A, I feel that communication on the pitch is more necessary than ever. I think defense immediately after losing the ball is crucial, so I want to raise our voices and improve together.

Q: What do you want to accomplish during the remaining camp?
First of all, I would like to properly adjust my physical condition and improve my condition during the remaining camp.