
Announcement of the web publication of "Canon FOOTBALL FOCUS Vol.003 Player Keigo Higashi" by Canon x SKY PerfecTV!

Canon and Sky PerfecTV! Collaboration project "Canon FOOTBALL FOCUS Vol.003 Keigo HIGASHI" has been published on the web, so we would like to inform you.
Using Canon's sophisticated cameras, we focus on the players' skills that cannot be fully conveyed during the game. The player himself explains the "commitment" he puts into his play.In addition, this time as an extra edition, the player himself made a surprise visit to the FC Tokyo Soccer School and taught the future blue and red warriors his techniques!Please take a look.

Player Keigo HIGASHI

[Project Name]
"Canon FOOTBALL FOCUS Vol.003 Keigo Higashi Player"
"Canon FOOTBALL FOCUS Extra Edition"


[Publication Site URL]