2015.10.31[Top Team]

Practice Match Result against Yokohama F.Marinos

Today (10/31), Yokohama F.Marinos and ZE MARIO played a practice match at Kodaira Ground from 11:00 (45 minutes x 2).
In the 39th minute of the first half, Mita, who followed up on a loose ball in the area, scored a goal, giving Tokyo the lead in a back-and-forth match.
In the 3rd minute of the second half, after taking the lead, they earned a free kick opportunity from a position approximately 20 meters in front of the goal.
The ball kicked by Kicker Maruyama hits the wall and changes direction, but it goes into the left goal, marking an additional point.
After that, they successfully kept Yokohama FM's attack from scoring, and the game ended 2-0.

Practice match results can be found here

【Score】FC Tokyo 2-0 Yokohama F.Marinos

First Half/Hikaru MITA (39 minutes)
Second Half/Maruyama (3 minutes)