2015.12.19[Top Team]

Practice Match Result against Urawa Reds

Today (12/19), a practice match was held between Urawa Reds and another team at Kodaira Ground from 11:30 (45 minutes x 2, 30 minutes x 1).
After finishing the first half with a 0-0 score, the second half began. Although Urawa Reds conceded 3 goals first, Nakajima scored in the 27th minute, followed by a precise shot from outside the penalty area by Hayu in the 31st minute, shaking the goal net.
The third match, which was played with a changed lineup, started with conceding goals in the 5th and 6th minutes, and the practice match ended with a score of 2-6.

Practice match results can be found here

【Score】FC Tokyo 2-6 Urawa Reds

2nd goal/Nakajima (27th minute), Hanyu (31st minute)