2016.2.13[Top Team]

Practice Match Result against FC Seoul

Today (2/13), a practice match was held between FC Seoul and Sandaza at Takajo Sports Park Multipurpose Plaza from 11:30 (45 minutes x 4).
In the first match, which was played in the rain with the same starting lineup as the ACL playoff against Chonburi, we conceded a goal through an own goal and lost 0-1. After a scoreless second match, in the third match, Sandaza scored a goal near the end and equalized.
In the 20th minute, with both teams adding one point each, the trainee scored a penalty kick and Tokyo won 3-2.

Practice match results can be found here

【Score】FC Tokyo 3-2 FC Seoul

3rd goal/Sandaza (44th minute)
4th goal/Trainee (14th minute, 20th minute)