2016.3.07[Top Team]

Practice Match Result against Mito Hollyhock

Today (3/7), a practice match was held between Mito Hollyhock and Sandaza at Kodaira Ground from 13:00 (45 minutes x 2).
In the 10th minute of the first half, Sandaza entered the area alone and scored with a left-footed shot, giving a good start.
After that, both teams reached the end of the first half with a few scoring opportunities.
In the second half, Yoshimoto scored in the 2nd minute, and Nathan Burns added another goal in the 13th minute to extend the lead. Although we conceded a goal from a penalty kick in the 17th minute, we scored two more goals and the game ended with a score of 5-1. We achieved victory.

Practice match results can be found here

【Score】FC Tokyo 5-1 Mito Hollyhock

First half/Sandaza(10 minutes)
Second half/Yoshimoto(2 minutes), Nathan BURNS(13 minutes), Yukino(25 minutes), Insoo YU(44 minutes)