2016.3.26[Top Team]

Practice Match Result against Urawa Reds

Today (3/26), a practice match was held between Urawa Reds and another team at Ohara Soccer Field starting from 13:00. (45 minutes x 3)
The match, which started under clear skies, saw Urawa Reds concede a goal in the 7th minute of the first half. However, at the beginning of the second half, just 2 minutes in, Hanyu scored a header from Nozawa's cross to equalize the score.
The team conceded another goal in the 33rd minute of the third match, but in the 37th minute, the trainee scored a penalty kick they earned themselves and equalized the score again in the bottom left corner.
The score remained unchanged afterwards, and the match ended in a 2-2 draw with a total of 3 goals.

Practice match results can be found here

【Score】FC Tokyo 2-2 Urawa Reds

2nd goal/Hanyu (2 minutes)
3rd goal/Trainee (37 minutes)