2016.5.21[Top Team]

Regarding Kota Mizunuma's traffic accident

On May 21 (Sat), Kota MIZUNUMA's passenger car, driven by Kota MIZUNUMA, caused an accident while driving on the Kanjo Route 8, near 5-13 Kamiiyagawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, in the midst of traffic congestion. The car collided with the stopped vehicle in front due to a short distance between the vehicles.
Note: There is no injury to Kota MIZUNUMA, who was riding in the collided vehicle, along with his family (1 male, 1 female, and 1 child).
Furthermore, we deeply apologize for the great inconvenience caused to everyone involved.
The club will issue a strict warning to Kota MIZUNUMA and will thoroughly promote traffic safety among all players and staff to prevent recurrence.

1. Date and Time of Occurrence
Around 4:40 PM on May 21, 2016 (Sat)

2. Location
5-13 Kamiiyagawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo

3. Overview
Kota MIZUNUMA's passenger car, while driving on the Kanto Route 8 in the vicinity of Kamikitazawa 5-13, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, caused an accident by colliding with a preceding vehicle (passenger car) that had stopped due to short following distance while driving in traffic congestion.
The family (one male, one female, one child) who were riding in the collided vehicle in front of them, Kota MIZUNUMA player, did not sustain any injuries.
After the accident, we promptly contacted the police and other relevant parties to respond.

◆Comment from Kota MIZUNUMA
"I caused an accident due to my carelessness. I sincerely apologize to the family who was riding in the car ahead. I will be more careful to prevent such accidents from happening again. I deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused."