2016.6.06[Top Team]

Announcement of Kazunori YOSHIMOTO's appointment as "Kodaira City Tourism and Community Development Ambassador"

We would like to inform you that Kazunori YOSHIMOTO, a player of FC Tokyo, has been appointed as the "Kodaira City Tourism Ambassador".

□ About "Kodaira City Tourism Development Ambassador"
Kodaira City has established the basic principle of "a town for tourism that people want to visit and continue to live in," and the ambassador plays a role in promoting this principle. The appointment period for Mr. Yoshimoto is from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2019. For more details, please check the following URL on Kodaira City's website.

□ Kazunori YOSHIMOTO Player Comment
"I am honored to be appointed as the Tourism Ambassador for Kodaira City, my hometown and the location of FC Tokyo's training ground. I am extremely happy. By playing as a player for FC Tokyo, I will work even harder to promote my beloved Kodaira. Thank you for your support."

※The commissioning ceremony was held today, June 6 (Mon), at the Mayor's Office in Kodaira City. The details will be introduced on the official mobile site's "Hamidashi Tokyo" corner (paid page). Stay tuned!
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