2018.2.03[Top Team]

Practice Match Result: Vissel Kobe

Today (2/3), the 4th day of the Okinawa Itoman Camp, a practice match was held at Zanpa Ballpark with Vissel Kobe.

The match, which was held in strong winds, saw Tokyo take control with aggressive movements on both offense and defense, scoring three goals to secure victory.

【Score】FC Tokyo vs Vissel Kobe
(Zanpa Misaki Ball Park 11:00 K.O.)
        3 - 0
        (2 - 0)
                      (1 - 0)
                  (45 minutes x 2 halves)

▼Tokyo Scoring Time
1st goal: FC Tokyo (7 minutes), FC Tokyo (15 minutes)
2nd goal: FC Tokyo (20 minutes)

▼FC Tokyo Scorer / ▼Starting Members / ▼Match Details
※Today's practice match will only display the match result and scoring time.