
[U-15 Fukagawa] 4th day of France expedition

The morning of the fourth day of the expedition started with light exercises in the police academy dormitory courtyard, which also served as a warm-up for the body.
As usual, I finished my breakfast of bread and cereal and headed to the morning training.
Practice ball control and direct kicking on a bumpy pitch, with content designed for game simulation.
After that, we had lunch at the dormitory and finally it's time for the Sun's International Cup Day 1.

Kickoff is a 16-minute half starting at 17:40.
In the midst of a thrilling and pleasant tension, various confirmations were made during the meeting and then moved on to the warm-up.
We will continue to prepare for the game in a tense atmosphere, unlike the difficult day before.

The first opponent is Rennes. A club that until three years ago received the No.1 evaluation in France's development department and has produced many professional players.
Players from Fukagawa are one head taller than the other players, and the goalkeeper is two heads taller, overpowering with speed and power.
Unable to score a goal despite approaching the goal from set plays while bouncing back as a team against the opponent's fast and powerful attacks.
Intense and continuous tough game development without losing concentration in a tense situation resulted in a scoreless draw.

The tough matches against strong teams will continue from tomorrow onwards.
I hope to seize victory along with the team's growth.

After the match, the opening ceremony of the tournament was held, and they livened up the venue with an impressive performance.

Moved to the dinner venue after watching only the first half of the Juventus (Italy) match starting from 20:00.
This is very bright even at 8 o'clock, and it finally feels like evening.

Tomorrow, there will be two matches in the morning and one match in the afternoon, continuing with a tough style of play that will determine the winner.
All players and staff will overcome together as one.