2018.3.24[Top Team]

Practice Match Result: University of Commerce Game

Today (3/24), a practice match was held at the sunny Kodaira Ground against the University of Commerce and Economics.

Scored 5 goals and won!!

【Score】FC Tokyo vs Ritsumeikan University

(Kodaira Ground 11:00 K.O.)
5 - 0
                  (2 - 0)
                  (3 - 0)

               (45 minutes × 2 halves)

▼Tokyo Scoring Time

1st Half: FC Tokyo (32nd minute), FC Tokyo (39th minute)

2nd Half: FC Tokyo (2nd minute), FC Tokyo (11th minute), FC Tokyo (42nd minute)

▼FC Tokyo Scorer / ▼Starting Members / ▼Match Details
※Today's practice match will only display the match result and scoring time.