
[U-15 Fukagawa] Day 3 of France Expedition

The third day of the expedition starts with a walk.
Exercise a little and check your condition, then have breakfast.

After breakfast training, we digest a menu that includes running to improve our condition.

After training, we had lunch at the venue where the tournament will be held and then conducted a training match with Montreal at the ground, which will also serve as the game venue in the afternoon.

The training match that took place for 20 minutes x 2 sessions today, there were still some players who felt a bit heavy in their bodies, and there were also periods where the game couldn't be carried out smoothly.

We allowed the first goal, but quickly caught up and I feel like our condition is improving for the tournament.
The match ended in a 1-1 draw without being able to take the lead.

After the match, we will conduct set piece practice and build-up training, focusing on more practical aspects for the upcoming tournament starting tomorrow.
We prepared well and worked together as a team to achieve good results.