
[U-15 Fukagawa] France Expedition Day 8 (Final Day)

The final day of the France expedition is finally here.
The players who finished the tournament yesterday also greeted the morning with a slightly tired expression.

Experience French culture and history on the final day.
The players who left the police dormitory for Paris were talking about various things on the bus, but suddenly they noticed that it became quiet...
When they looked back, they were already in a dream, perhaps tired from consecutive battles.
Arrived at the destination after about 2 and a half hours by bus.

The first place I came to was the Eiffel Tower!
I am overwhelmed by the power of seeing the Eiffel Tower up close.
As there are famous places in France, there are also many tourists, and local people came to sell souvenirs, so the players bought souvenirs and took a commemorative photo together.

Next stop after leaving the Eiffel Tower is the Arc de Triomphe!
A distance of about 15 minutes walk from the Eiffel Tower. When you arrive at the Arc de Triomphe, you will also be overwhelmed by its presence.

Group photo with everyone at the Arc de Triomphe!
After that, free time.

Players enjoy the last day in France by shopping and dining.
After finishing free time, get on the bus and it takes about 1 hour to the airport.
Check in and say goodbye to Oguri-san, who took care of you this time.

The players received wonderful words from Oguri-san and learned many things in France.
Departing from France after conveying words of gratitude from the players.

I think I was able to experience the world level and engage in group activities overseas during this France expedition, and I also had battles with myself. Although it was a short period of time, I believe I was able to grow a lot.
I definitely want to make use of this experience and connect it to future soccer!