2018.7.04[Top Team]

Practice Match Result: Waseda University

Strong winds blow, and the scorching sun shines on the Kodaira Ground.
Today (7/4), we had a practice match with Waseda University.

【Score】FC Tokyo vs Waseda University
    (Kodaira Ground 10:30 K.O.)

       5 - 3
      (2 - 2)
      (0 - 0)
      (2 - 0)
      (1 - 1)
          (45 minutes x 4 halves)

▼Tokyo Scoring Time

1st match: FC Tokyo (25 minutes), FC Tokyo (33 minutes)
2nd match:
3rd match: FC Tokyo (34 minutes), FC Tokyo (41 minutes)
4th match: FC Tokyo (42 minutes)

※Today's practice match will only display the match result and scoring time.