
Announcement of Akihiro HAYASHI Player Interview Publication

We would like to inform you that an interview article featuring Akihiro HAYASHI will be published as follows.
Please take a look.

[Publication]Skaper! TV Guide Premium January Issue
Skaper! TV Guide BS+CS January Issue

Akihiro HAYASHI Player

"Pitch Samurai Vol.130" (Sky PerfecTV Guide Premium)
"J-CRAQUE Vol.62" (Sky PerfecTV Guide BS+CS)
Reflection on the 2018 season and enthusiasm for the upcoming season by player Akihiro HAYASHI

[Release Date]
Dec 25 (Tue) (Both magazines)

[List Price]
SKY PerfecTV! Guide Premium January Issue 540 yen (tax included)
SKY PerfecTV! Guide BS+CS January Issue 432 yen (tax included)