2019.1.27[Top Team]

Practice Match Result against FC Machida Zelvia

Today (1/27) is the 14th day of the Okinawa Kunigami Camp, and a practice match with FC Machida Zelvia will be held.
The match was a fierce battle with intense competition for the ball, resulting in a back-and-forth exchange of goals. In the end, Tokyo took the lead with a goal.

FC Tokyo vs FC Machida Zelvia
    (Fujieda Soccer Stadium 11:00K.O.)
       3 - 2
      (1 - 1)
      (2 - 1)
             45 minutes x 2 halves

▼Tokyo Scoring Time
1st goal: FC Tokyo (10 minutes) 2nd goal: FC Tokyo (11 minutes), FC Tokyo (45 minutes)

※Today's practice match will only display the match result and scoring time.

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