2019.2.09[Top Team]

Practice Match Result against Nagoya Grampus

Today (2/9) is the 8th day of the Okinawa-Itoman camp, and a practice match with Nagoya Grampus will be held.
Scored 9 points and ended the final day of the camp with a victory.
The team will return to Tokyo and resume training at Kodaira Ground from Dec 12 (Tue).

FC Tokyo vs Nagoya Grampus
    (Koganei Forest Stadium 11:00K.O.)
       9 - 3
      (3 - 1)
(3 - 1)
(3 - 0)
(0 - 1)
45 minutes × 4 matches

▼Tokyo Scoring Time

1st Half: FC Tokyo (17th minute), FC Tokyo (20th minute), FC Tokyo (40th minute)
2nd Half: FC Tokyo (8th minute), FC Tokyo (28th minute), FC Tokyo (31st minute)
3rd Half: FC Tokyo (4th minute), FC Tokyo (29th minute), FC Tokyo (30th minute)
4th Half:

※Today's practice match will only display the match result and scoring time.

Check out the Okinawa Itoman Camp information on the mobile site!!
Practice scenes and player comments are being posted!!
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