2024.8.12[School Report]

[Day 1 Report] Summer Camp Second Round

Finally, the second summer camp has started!
We arrived at the accommodation around 1pm after leaving Shinjuku and experiencing traffic congestion. ♪

After arrival, the children ate lunch and had an orientation for the camp.
We have confirmed the theme of this camp and shared a common understanding of what to be careful about in our daily lives.

▽Lunch, Orientation▽

After lunch, we also took a walk and confirmed with everyone the place to evacuate in case of any emergency.

Afterwards, we moved to the field and conducted the first training camp session.
The wind was a little strong, but there were also many shady areas, making it a very comfortable environment to train in.
It was my first time meeting many of my teammates, but the children were able to play together by talking and cooperating with each other ♪

▼Training Scenes▼

After training, we returned to the dormitory, took a bath, and had dinner!
There are also many types of side dishes, so I ate well and got plenty of nutrition ♪

▽Dinner Scene▽

After dinner, each group confirmed tomorrow's schedule and prepared for bed, ending the first day!!

▽Extra Edition▽
This time, we are holding it in a summer-like place where you can see a beautiful sea from the dormitory!!