
Interview with Keita Yamashita

Q: As the camp is coming to an end and the opening is approaching, how would you like to use the time from here?
A, ultimately the coach decides the members, so I think it's just a matter of preparing myself to be 100% ready by the start of the season.

Q, what is your approach to positional play?
I think the most important thing is to try to meet the expectations of the coach, and if errors occur, we should fix them quickly and make improvements. I believe that if we cannot incorporate the desired style of play, the team will not be successful, so it is important for everyone to move in the same direction.

Q: What do you feel is expected of player Yamashita himself?
I think it's about scoring goals and taking the lead. I believe it's important to see how well we can work inside the box, and in addition to that, I want to further refine our skills in transitioning between offense and defense, as well as passing and shooting.

Q, in training we are focusing on transitions, especially the high press from the front line after losing the ball, and I think forwards play a very important role in that aspect.
A, the way is different, but we have been doing high press and switching for a long time. My mind is clear, but the way of switching, the way of snatching, and the tactical defensive approach are slightly different, so I want to firmly incorporate them.

Q: Will Yamashita adjust to his teammates or will they adjust to his style of finishing as a forward?
I think it's both. Compared to when the camp started, my shooting sense has improved, but there are limits to what I can do alone, so it's important to communicate and work with my teammates.

Q: There are two more practice matches during the camp. How would you like to approach them?
The coach also says that it is important to have a winner's mentality and to be committed to the game. In addition, I think it is a place where we should continuously try to build on what we have achieved, so I hope that everyone will try together without being passive.