
Post-match Interview 2/2

<Coach Albert>

Q, how was today's practice match?
I am very satisfied not only with the first match but also with the second match. This is because there were many times when the entire team understood what I expected and played accordingly.
The first opponent, Ryukyu, lowered their block and defended, so there were many situations where we pressed and then countered after losing the ball and regained possession. I think the team did well. It was good that we were able to score goals from quick short counters in tight spaces.
The second match against Omiya had many attacks with space behind the defensive line because the opponent was trying to steal the ball from the front. Omiya intended to high press, but we were able to break through it successfully many times. The goal scored in the second match was a goal that took advantage of the space behind the opponent. It would have been great if we could have made more plays and goals like that, but the number of times was a challenge.
Through the first and second halves, I think the players felt the connection of being able to control the game by dominating the ball. Today, by firmly controlling the ball, we were able to dominate the game and prove that we were superior. It was a good game.
However, there are still many areas for improvement, so I look forward to future growth. We are currently in the third week of the preseason, but the important thing is that the entire team is starting to understand and express the playing style that I expect on the pitch. We respect various playing styles and also respect Tokyo's playing style from last year. It is difficult for players to make changes from a playing style that is different from what I expect, but I am pleased that they are adapting well to it.

Q, it seemed that there was good coordination between offense and defense today.
A, the offense and defense are coordinated, and the transition between offense and defense can be done quickly. It is good news that the overall understanding of the players has increased, including these aspects.
The important concept is starting to be understood by the players, but more time is still needed to refine the finer details and improve the level of completion.

Q, it feels like a very difficult defense to press forward and defend in unison without delaying (slowing down) after being stolen.
A, I don't think it's difficult to defend positively. What interests me is that many Japanese teams first lower their blocks and defend.
Most high-level clubs in Europe actively defend by maintaining a high block as much as possible from the middle zone. I think that is a given in modern football.

Q, was it because we were able to maintain a high position in today's match that we were able to create good attacks from there?
A, by keeping the block high, you can defend well and create good attacks from there. Rather than long-distance counters, I think we were able to play towards the goal with quick transitions between offense and defense. However, I believe that the most ideal defense is to possess the ball and control the game. Instead of allowing many shots even if we win, if we can dominate both the ball and the game like today, the scenes where the opponent takes shots will be close to zero. I don't think that lowering the block and tightening the defense will lead to better defense. First and foremost, I believe that possessing the ball is the best way to defend.

Q: After taking the ball, it is physically demanding to continue attacking towards the goal immediately, so it is necessary to have resting time while controlling the game, right?
A, I want to further polish and utilize the consciousness of heading towards the goal from the quick switch of offense and defense that I acquired with a playing style that relied on counterattacks until last year, as it will be a weapon this year as well.
The success rate decreases as the distance of the counter increases, and if it becomes only a counter, the opponent will dominate the ball, creating a vicious cycle where the defensive time becomes longer.
I think there is still room for improvement in controlling the game and it will take more time.

Q: The camp is coming to an end. How has the degree of penetration been so far in terms of embracing the new style of football?
A, I understand what the coach is saying well. Recently, I have been able to try to do what I want to do in practice and practice matches, so I want to continue working on it and finish it properly by the opening match, so that I can express it.

Q, it is clear that the player is getting involved in goals and scoring goals himself during practice matches, and his condition is improving.
A, not only myself but also the entire team, I don't think we are at 100 percent yet, but I would like us to further improve our condition and finish together by the opening match.

Q, how do you feel about the detailed positioning instructions from the coach and the combination with your teammates?
A, yes, it's similar to the style I played in Brazil, so it's easy to understand the positioning. I want to continue training and fine-tune the details such as the distance between players.

<Player Makoto OKAZAKI>

Q: Do you feel that a new style has been permeating?
A, I don't think I've been told anything that difficult from the beginning, and things like build-up have been done since FC Tokyo U-15. The style has changed since last year, and there are still parts that haven't been fully integrated, so after two weeks of camp, I finally feel like I'm getting used to things like how to move the ball. After playing today's game, there were fewer scenes where the team was doing well, so we need to reflect on that. However, it's a positive thing that the players have been able to talk to each other during the camp, and I think we're heading in a good direction.

Q: Do you feel any difference in building up from the defense line compared to before?
A, in my own sense, if the opponent does not come close, I think it's fine to hold the ball. There is no need to force a pass, and I think it's good to hold the ball and dribble up when the opponent comes close and then make a pass. On the other hand, it's basic to make passes to set the tempo or to avoid risks by not giving the ball to the defensive midfielder and instead passing it from the outside. I think it's important to adapt to what the coach is asking for.

Q, the season opening is finally approaching.
A, I think it is necessary to spend time to improve the completeness, but at the same time, we must win. We want to value how much we can build up with the premise of winning, while firmly winning in connecting the ball. In official matches, trial and error will continue, and I think mistakes will also occur during the game. There are also different parts in the defense coordination, so I think there may be some gaps in the early stages, but I think that if we can play soccer and win firmly, both as a team and as players, we can grow.

Q, are you enjoying playing this football?
A, I like playing with the ball and building up the game from the back, which is a style that allows me to showcase my strengths. So, I feel that I need to appeal in that aspect. If I can align my own sense and what the coach expects before the start of the season, I believe we can play even better soccer.