第6節 2012/5/16(水)
観衆 5,748人
天候 晴、 気温 18.0度 湿度 %
主審:ハリル・イブラヒム・アルガムディ 副審:バドル・アルシュムラニ/ハメド・アルマヤヒ 四審:
ACL 6節 第6節


FC東京 | 蔚山現代 | |
得点者 | 37分:カン ミンス | |
49分 河野 広貴→梶山 陽平 69分 谷澤 達也→ルーカス 84分 チャン ヒョンス→林 容平 |
選手交代 |
46分 キム スンヨン→キム シンウク 73分 キム ドンスク→イ ホ 79分 マラニョン→チェ ジェス |
14 | シュート | 8 |
9 | GK | 10 |
2 | CK | 3 |
19 | 直接FK | 15 |
3 | 間接FK | 5 |
4 | オフサイド | 3 |
0 | PK | 0 |
' 6 キム ヨンサム | 警告 | |
退場 |
GK | 1 | 塩田 仁史 |
DF | 3 | 森重 真人 |
DF | 30 | チャン ヒョンス |
DF | 33 | 椋原 健太 |
DF | 2 | 徳永 悠平 |
MF | 7 | 米本 拓司 |
MF | 8 | 長谷川 アーリアジャスール |
MF | 39 | 谷澤 達也 |
MF | 4 | 高橋 秀人 |
MF | 17 | 河野 広貴 |
FW | 11 | 渡邉 千真 |
GK | 20 | 権田 修一 |
DF | 14 | 中村 北斗 |
DF | 16 | 丸山 祐市 |
MF | 10 | 梶山 陽平 |
FW | 23 | 林 容平 |
FW | 49 | ルーカス |
FW | 24 | 重松 健太郎 |
GK | 1 | キム ヨングアン |
DF | 4 | カン ミンス |
DF | 14 | キム ヨンサム |
DF | 5 | クァク テヒ |
DF | 3 | イ ジェソン |
MF | 15 | キム ドンスク |
MF | 20 | エスチベン |
MF | 17 | コ ソルギ |
FW | 10 | マラニョン |
FW | 13 | キム スンヨン |
FW | 11 | イ グノ |
GK | 18 | キム スンギュ |
DF | 27 | カン ジンウク |
DF | 6 | チェ ジェス |
MF | 8 | イ ホ |
MF | 25 | チェ ジンス |
MF | 16 | パク ソンイル |
FW | 9 | キム シンウク |
東京は、リーグ戦のアウェイが続く中、札幌戦で石川が足を負傷、さらに太田が発熱で2人が遠征メンバーから外れた。またここまでの疲労も考え、今日の試合はフレッシュなメンバーで臨むことに。左右DFには椋原とチャン ヒョンス、ダブルボランチには高橋と米本、右MFに長谷川、トップ下には梶山に代わり移籍後初先発となる河野が入り、ACL3得点の渡邉が1トップに。
チーム状況は苦しいといえるが、結果はもちろん、試合内容としてもこの2か月での成長と進歩を見せたい。全員の力を結集させて総力を尽くして勝利を! 試合は蔚山文殊スタジアムにて19時30分に蔚山のキックオフで開始された。
Tokyo Aim To Retain Group Lead In Korea
For the 6th. and final game of the ACL group stage Tokyo traveled to South Korea to take on Ulsan Hyundai. In the reverse fixture on March 20th.Tokyo had taken the lead through a fine Tokunaga goal in the first half only to be pegged back in the 80th.minute. A superb team move, capped by a decisive finish from Kajiyama, restored the lead but a late equaliser denied Tokyo the win in a fiercely-contested game they had largely dominated.
Nearly two months on from that game and Tokyo sat atop their group with a W3 D2 L0 record. Ulsan boasted the same points total, meaning that both sides had qualified for the Round of 16. Tokyo's opponents in the next round would be either Guangzhou Evergrande or Kashiwa Reysol, who had finished first and second in the already completed group H. A win in Korea would give Tokyo home advantage in the next round, a fact acknowledged by manager Popovic in his press conference on the eve of the game, "We want every possible advantage we can in the next round and so we've come here to win".
Missing from the Tokyo squad were Ishikawa with an injury picked up in the away win over Sapporo and Ota who had a fever. Manager Popovic juggled his remaining squad players and introduced some fresh legs with Jang and Mukuhara appearing at side back, Takahashi and Yonemoto as defensive midfielders, Hasegawa on the right of midfield and Kawano, making his first start since his transfer, in the withdrawn striker role. Watanabe, with three goals in the competition already, played as the lone front man.
While Tokyo were in straightened circumstances and facing a difficult opponent the game would serve to show how well the side had developed over the previous two months. A united team performance and a win were the objectives. Ulsan kicked off shortly after 7:30 pm in Ulsan Munsu Stadium.
この試合、相手がかなり前掛りに出てくると予想をしていたが、序盤から東京が主導権を握り、相手陣内で試合は進んだ。9分、中盤でボールを奪い右の長谷川→中央の渡邉がドリブルからミドルで狙うがGKの正面に。12分は右サイドのチャン ヒョンス→長谷川→高橋が攻め上がりながら放ったミドルは左ポストを直撃。右エリアへの跳ね返りに渡邉が反応、決定的なシュートを放つがこれも枠外に…。
27分、この谷澤の左CKをショートでつなぎ、中央へクロス。これをファーのチャン ヒョンスがフリーでヘッドを放ったが右に切れてしまう。35分には、右サイドで高い位置をとったチャン ヒョンスがクロス。ゴール前に飛び込んだ河野がダイレクトで合わせたが、シュートは浮いてしまう。すると37分、蔚山の右FKから一瞬の隙を突かれ、ゴール前の混戦から押し込まれ先制を許すことに。相手にワンチャンスを活かされて、1点のビハインドを背負って前半を終了。
Ulsan Dispatch Sole Chance To Take Half Time Lead
Ulsan had been expected to make an aggressive opening to the match but it was Tokyo that seized the early initiative and the game was largely played in the hosts' half. In the 9th.minute Hasegawa won the ball on the right and played it infield to Watanabe who dribbled forward and shot from middle range. The effort was well-struck but flew straight to Kim Young-kwang in the Ulsan goal. Hasegawa was involved again in the 12th.minute, collecting the ball from Jang and finding Takahashi who smacked a fierce drive against the left post. The ball rebounded out to Watanabe on the right but the striker failed to hit the target from a promising position.
Tokyo continued to regain possession and push forward yet the final ball frequently went astray, limiting the creation of clear-cut openings. In the 23rd.minute Hasegawa hoisted the ball down the left, Takahashi knocked it down and Kawano dribbled inside then shot narrowly over the bar. Tokyo moved the ball down the right in the 26th.minute, Watanabe knocked it down and Yonemoto switched the play out to Mukuhara on the left. Mukuhara cut the ball inside to Yazawa whose firm shot drew a save from Kim Young-kwang and earned a corner.
Yazawa played the corner short, then hoisted a cross to the back post where Jang headed narrowly wide. Jang was the provider in the 35th.minute, driving deep down the right and crossing to Kawano who was unable to keep his shot down. In the 37th.minute Ulsan won a free kick on the right, Tokyo failed to clear the ball and after a wild melee in the goalmouth it was forced over the line. The home side had taken the lead against the run of play with their only chance of the half, a lead they held until the first period ended.
さらに84分には足を痛めたチャン ヒョンスに代わり公式戦初出場となる林を投入。右DFに徳永、センターバックには高橋を配置、得点を奪いに総攻撃を仕掛ける。87分には右エリアすぐ外側からのFKを得る。梶山のキックはクリアされるが、こぼれを米本、徳永が粘り強くつなぎ、梶山が右エリア手前からシュート。しかしこれは左ポストに当たり……跳ね返りを奪おうとした渡邉はオフサイドに。
後半ロスタイムには、高橋の縦パスを左寄りのルーカスが受け、後ろの米本とのパス交換から今度は中央の梶山とのワンツー。そのまま回り込んだルーカスがシュート! ダイレクトパスからビッグチャンスを作ったが、シュートはGKのセーブに阻まれて……タイムアップ。この結果、グループステージを2位で通過。ラウンド16は5/30(水)に広州恒大とアウェイで対戦することになった。
Attacking Substitutes Fail To Make Breakthrough
Tokyo began the second half attacking positively. In the 49th.minute Kajiyama replaced Kawano, adding further weight to the Tokyo front line. In the 60th.minute Yonemoto intercepted a loose pass in midfield and moved forward before finding Yazawa on the edge of the Ulsan area. Yazawa took a touch and fired in a shot that drew a fine save from the Ulsan keeper. Kajiyama was bundled over just outside the Ulsan area on the right in the 64th.minute, giving Tokyo a free kick in a promising position. Mukuhara hammered the ball into the wall, earning a corner kick in the process.
Lucas replaced Yazawa in the 69th.minute, slotting directly into the left wing position. In the 77th.minute Lucas held the ball up down the left and then found Yonemoto inside the Ulsan area; Yonemoto set up Hasegawa but once again the Ulsan keeper denied Tokyo with another save. With Lucas and Kajiyama on the field and Ulsan dropping deeper from their man-marking system Tokyo were able to enjoy almost total domination.
Jang suffered a leg injury in the 84th.minute and was unable to continue, meaning a first competitive game appearance for Hayashi. Tokunaga shifted to the right of the defence and Takahashi dropped back into a centre back position. Tokyo won a free kick in the 87th.minute outside the Ulsan area on the right. Kajiyama's initial ball was cleared but tenacious play by Yonemoto and Tokunaga regained possession for Tokyo. Kajiyama shot from the right side of the Ulsan area, beat the goalkeeper but hit the post yet again. Watanabe flung himself at the rebound and was given offside.
Tokyo fashioned a further good chance in second half added time. Lucas received the ball from Takahashi on the left, exchanged passes with Yonemoto then played a one two with Kajiyama. The sharp passing move opened up the Ulsan defence and Lucas shot on the turn but Kim Young-kwang was equal to the challenge, saving his side yet again. The final whistle blew shortly after, condemning Tokyo to a 1-0 defeat and second place in the group. The result meant that Tokyo would face an away trip to Guangzhou Evergrande in the Round of 16.
Players' comments
"It was a tough game but we enjoyed long spells on top so conceding from a set play was the most disappointing aspect. The manager told us to squeeze the midfield when our opponents pushed forward and we were focusing on that, but they maintained their defensive balance very well when they pushed on. The only time we came under any serious threat was from that one set play, which is a typical Asian feature I think. The games are coming thick and fast so I feel the best thing we can do is to create a good atmosphere in the league and take it from there".
"It didn't feel like we were under any serious pressure for the whole of the game yet the final result was that we lost. We have to be more solid at set plays. After they scored they stiffened their central defence and that meant I was playing with my back to the goal far more. We were solely focused on carving them open with pretty football. Their defence wasn't quite as fierce as I'd expected and later in the game I was able to play facing their goal much more. I'd like to play with more confidence facing the goal in the future. I'd like to thank the supporters for coming all this way to cheer us on. This is our first time in the ACL and I think that if we give it our all we can go further in the competition. We'll do our best".
F.C.Tokyo manager Popovic
"First of all, I'd like to say thank you. Regarding the game, the only disappointing thing was the result. It's something that happens often in football; you play well but don't get the result. That's the kind of game it was today, I think. As I said at first, I'm satisfied with everything except the result. I thought both the performance and the players' approach to the game were estimable and I felt we showed the way we've been playing until now. I thought the game exemplified what Japanese football and F.C.Tokyo are all about.
I think it was an enjoyable game for the people who watched it. I'd also like to express my gratitude to our supporters who made the long trip here today. It's very disappointing that we won't be able to play the next match in front of our own fans and I feel sorry about that. However, I think that if we can put in performances like the one today then it won't be long before we'll be playing in front of a full house for our home games.
I'd like to congratulate Ulsan on their victory and to praise our players for their performance once again".
【蔚山現代・キム ホゴン監督の会見要旨】「グループ1位になれたことは非常によかったですが、今日は試合内容があまりよくなかったです。ラウンド16に向けて修正していきたいと思います。(3年前とは違って今回はグループ1位という結果になったが)3年前は、ACLの重要性もあまりわかりませんでしたし、準備自体もできませんでした。今回は、よい結果を出せば、選手たちの価値や韓国のイメージも上げられると感じていました。それでかなりの準備をして、1位になることができました。
Ulsan Hyundai manager Kim Ho-gon
"It's great that we've finished top of the group but the performance wasn't particularly good today. We have many things to put right before the Round of 16. I think that three years ago we didn't really understand the importance of the ACL and our preparation wasn't the best it could have been. This time I felt that if we could get the results then it would improve the players' reputation and the image of Korean football. We worked hard in preparation and were able to finish first in the group.
We found that there had been some major changes in the levels of our opponents this time round.
Australia had changed dramatically, China not so much but Japan has changed drastically and we will have to be on our guard in the future. We had wanted to overwhelm them with our pressure but couldn't and that made it a demanding game for us. We have to study Japanese football and diversify our attack from now on.
Our opponents in the Round of 16 are Kashiwa Reysol, last year's Japanese champions. We want to prepare thoroughly and overpower them. I think they play a similar style to F.C.Tokyo so we will adjust our preparations and look forward to the encounter".