第2節 2012/3/20(火)
観衆 14,110人
天候 晴、 気温 11.4度 湿度 %
主審:ラフシャン・イルマトフ 副審:アブドゥハミドゥロ・ラスロフ/バハディル・コチカロフ 四審:
ACL 2節 第2節


FC東京 | 蔚山現代 | |
37分:徳永 83分:梶山 陽平 悠平 |
得点者 |
80分:キム スンヨン 88分:マラニョン |
62分 米本 拓司→長谷川 アーリアジャスール 69分 谷澤 達也→羽生 直剛 83分 渡邉 千真→ルーカス |
選手交代 |
57分 キム シンウク→マラニョン 63分 家長 昭博→パク ソンイル 70分 エスチベン→イ ジェソン |
9 | シュート | 9 |
4 | GK | 9 |
7 | CK | 2 |
7 | 直接FK | 17 |
5 | 間接FK | 3 |
5 | オフサイド | 3 |
0 | PK | 0 |
' 39 高橋 秀人 |
警告 |
' 39 イ ホ ' 53 カン ミンス |
退場 |
GK | 20 | 権田 修一 |
DF | 5 | 加賀 健一 |
DF | 3 | 森重 真人 |
DF | 2 | 徳永 悠平 |
DF | 6 | 太田 宏介 |
MF | 4 | 高橋 秀人 |
MF | 18 | 石川 直宏 |
MF | 10 | 梶山 陽平 |
MF | 39 | 谷澤 達也 |
MF | 7 | 米本 拓司 |
FW | 11 | 渡邉 千真 |
GK | 1 | 塩田 仁史 |
DF | 33 | 椋原 健太 |
MF | 22 | 羽生 直剛 |
MF | 8 | 長谷川 アーリアジャスール |
MF | 27 | 田邉 草民 |
FW | 13 | 平山 相太 |
GK | 1 | キム ヨングアン |
DF | 27 | カン ジンウク |
DF | 2 | クァク テヒ |
DF | 4 | カン ミンス |
DF | 2 | イ ヨン |
MF | 28 | 家長 昭博 |
MF | 13 | キム スンヨン |
MF | 8 | イ ホ |
MF | 20 | エスチベン |
FW | 9 | キム シンウク |
FW | 11 | イ グノ |
GK | 18 | キム スンギュ |
DF | 3 | イ ジェソン |
DF | 24 | リム チャンウ |
MF | 17 | コ ソルギ |
MF | 14 | キム ヨンサム |
FW | 16 | パク ソンイル |
FW | 10 | マラニョン |
対する蔚山現代は、FWイ グノ、FWマラニョン、MFキム スンヨン、MFイ ホ、DFクァク テヒ、そしてMF家長と、かつてJリーグを経験したプレーヤーが揃う。攻撃の主軸はFWイ グノと196cmと長身のFWキム シンウクの2トップ。そして両サイドのMF家長とMFキム スンヨンが起点となり、スピーディで迫力のある攻撃が特長だ。
Tokyo Aim For 3 Points In ACL Home Opener
For their first home game in the Asian Champions League F.C.Tokyo faced Ulsan Hyundai of South Korea at the National Stadium in Tokyo. Tokyo had beaten Brisbane Roar of Australia 2-0 away in the first match and, despite the demanding schedule as the games were being played in tandem with the J.League, saw the match as a chance to cement their standing in the group. Tokyo manager Popovic was clear about the team's ambitions, "We're not just representing ourselves but the whole country here. We want to play Japanese-style football and answer the expectations".
After coming on as a substitute in the win over Nagoya in the J.League at the weekend, young midfielder Yonemoto returned to the starting eleven for the first time in nearly a year, taking a place alongside Takahashi in central midfield. Watanabe played as lone striker with Ishikawa and Yazawa on the wings.
Opponents Ulsan Hyundai fielded a team packed with players experienced in the J.League: forwards Lee Keun-ho and Maranhao, midfielders Kim Seung-yong and Lee Ho, defender Kwak Tae-hwi and midfielder Ienaga had all plyed their trade in Japan at one time. With an attack led by linchpin Lee Keun-ho, partnered by towering,1.96m tall forward Kim Shin-wook and supported by Ienaga and Kim Seung-yong on the flanks, the visitors possessed a powerful, speedy strikeforce.
Although a tough game was expected Tokyo had no reason to be fearful if they could play their own football and aim for a win. The hosts kicked off shortly after 2pm. on a sunny but chilly afternoon.
開始1分にファーストシュートを渡邉が放ち、臆することなく試合に入った。しかし蔚山もFWイ グノにボールを集め、5分にはFWイ グノのドリブルからのクロスをFWキム シンウクがヘディング。11分には蔚山ボランチMFエスチベンにドリブルで上がられ、再びFWキム シンウクにシュートを打たれる。
だが、スピーディで勢いのある蔚山の攻撃をよくしのぎ、徐々にパスをつないで前に運ぶシーンが増えてきた。26分には徳永が右前線の高い位置まで突破し、速いクロス。しかしゴール前の渡邉、左エリアの梶山をすり抜け…。27分には蔚山のゴールキックを受けたFWイ グノにシュートまで持ち込まれるが、DFがしっかりと寄せて権田がキャッチした。
東京は前には運ぶものの、ミスも出て、32分には森重→梶山を起点に細かいパスワークを見せるが、つなぐ中で奪われて一気に裏を狙われる。エリアに走った蔚山FWイ グノに対しては、加賀を中心に抑えたが、ボールを奪い切ることはできず。エリア手前のFWキム シンウクにつながれ、右MF家長にラストパスを出されたが、素早くカバーして打たせなかった。35分には徳永のクロスから左CKを得る。石川のキックのこぼれが中央の梶山のもとに渡るが、蔚山のDFも厳しく、コントロールし切れなかった。
しかし直後の36分、今度は石川→エリアに飛び出した梶山が右CKを奪う。この右CKを、石川が鋭いパスで中央へ戻す。受けた徳永はダイレクトではシュートに持ち込めなかったが、前に持ち出し、DFに寄せられながらも果敢に狙ったループが左上に吸い込まれてGOAL!! 意外性のあるCKから、徳永の技ありシュートで先制を果たし、後半へ折り返すことになった。
Tokyo Thwart Dynamic Ulsan Before Tokunaga Opens The Scoring
Tokyo made a bold start to the contest, Watanabe registering the first shot soon after kick off. However, the visitors quickly moved the ball forward to Lee Keun-ho and from his cross in the 5th.minute Kim Shin-wook powered a header on target. In the 11th.minute defensive midfielder Estiven dribbled up the field and Kim Shin-wook fired another attempt on goal.
Tokyo held the pacy Ulsan attack in check and slowly began to assert their passing game, gradually moving the ball nearer to the opposition goal. In the 26th.minute Tokunaga found space down the right and whipped in a flashing cross that narrowly evaded Watanabe and Kajiyama in the centre. A minute later Lee Keun-ho latched onto a goal kick and shot but a solid defensive block took the pace off the ball and Gonda collected comfortably.
Tokyo were moving the ball forward more smoothly yet unforced errors began to hamper their progress. In the 32nd.minute Morishige found Kajiyama and Tokyo showed some neat interplay yet lost possession, allowing Ulsan to pour forward in attack. Kaga managed to block Lee Keun-ho's route to goal but was unable to regain the ball and when Kim Shin-wook set up Ienaga inside the area on the right it took a sharp piece of covering to deny the visitors a clear sight of goal. Tokyo won a corner in the 35th.minute as Tokunaga's cross was cleared behind. Ishikawa hoisted the ball into the danger area where it ran loose to Kajiyama, but the Ulsan defence quickly cleared the danger.
Tokyo won another corner in the 36th.minute as Ishikawa played the ball through to Kajiyama inside the Ulsan penalty area. Ishikawa cut the corner back to Tokunaga in a central position outside the Ulsan area; Tokunaga found himself unable to shoot first time, then pushed the ball past a pair of onrushing defenders before producing a delicate and surprising lob that caught the Ulsan keeper off his line and looped gracefully into the net. A moment of unpredictability and fine technique earned Tokyo the lead at half time.
68分には右からのクロスをエリア中央の渡邉が落とし、すぐ後ろの梶山が身体を投げ出すように強烈なボレー。シュートはきっちりと枠をとらえていたが、GKの好セーブでCKに逃れられた……。69分には羽生がイン。だが迎えた75分、蔚山のCKを一度はクリアしたが、自陣の羽生→前線に飛び出した石川のパスは通らず。蔚山GKに渡ったボールを一気に東京陣内に蹴り込まれる。押し上げようとしていた裏を突かれる格好で蔚山MFキム スンヨンに飛び出され……同点に追いつかれてしまった。
それでも慌てることなく、自分たちのサッカーで仕掛け続け、83分には流れるようなパスワークから石川と長谷川がパス交換し、長谷川はエリア中央へ仕掛ける。DFを引き付けて左の羽生へ。羽生は左エリアで一瞬キープしたのち、ていねいにゴール前にマイナスのラストパス。これに合わせた梶山が狙い澄ましたシュートを右上に決めてゴール!! スタンドを沸かせる梶山の今季初ゴール。激しくタフな戦いの中、東京らしいサッカーから得点につなげ、再び勝ち越しに成功した。
これで勢いに乗る東京、しかし反対に一瞬の隙を突かれることになった。88分、蔚山の右サイドからDFクァク テヒにロングボールを送られ、FWマラニョンがフリーで右エリアに飛び出される。そしてループを決められて失点……。東京らしいサッカーで躍動し、優位に試合を進めて常に先行しながらも、残念なドローに終わった。
Kajiyama Regains Lead But Late Equaliser Denies Victory
With a one-goal lead under their belts Tokyo looked more confident in the second half, defending solidly and moving the ball around briskly as they pushed forward. Ulsan responded by replacing Kim Shin-wook with midfielder Maranhao in the 57th.minute, while Tokyo sent on Hasegawa for Yonemoto shortly after. With the changes made both sides set about establishing a rhythm. Tokyo stuttered but still managed to create chances.
In the 68th.minute Watanabe knocked down a cross from the right and Kajiyama cracked a low, controlled volley that was heading for the corner until the Ulsan keeper produced a fine save. Hanyu replaced Yazawa in the 69th.minute. In the 75th.minute Kim Young-kwang, the Ulsan goalkeeper, punched away a Kajiyama corner and Hanyu attempted to pick out Ishikawa. The goalkeeper pounced on the ball and quickly launched it down the field where the Tokyo defence attempted to push up but midfielder Kim Seung-yong found himself onside and finished neatly past Gonda to tie the score.
Despite conceding Tokyo stayed calm and continued to play a measured game. In the 83rd.minute some fluid passing between Ishikawa and Hasegawa allowed the latter to take the ball inside the Ulsan area in a central position. Hasegawa drew the defence towards himself, then slipped the ball to Hanyu on the left. Hanyu held it up for a moment before rolling it back into Kajiyama's path as he burst inside the area. Kajiyama struck first time, hard and true, and the ball hit the back of the net for a beautifully-worked team goal. Kajiyama's first goal of the season had restored Tokyo's lead and provoked scenes of wild abandon in the stands.
Tokyo had fashioned a goal good enough to win any game but not this one, unfortunately. In the 88th.minute Ulsan defender Kwak Tae-hwi hoisted a long ball down the right that found substitute Maranhao unmarked and in acres of space. Gonda raced off his line but was helpless as Maranhao lobbed the ball over his head and into the net. Tokyo had largely dominated the game with a lively performance yet were forced to settle for a disappointing draw.
Players' comments
"It's disappointing to draw and get the bare minimum of a single point. I felt Ulsan were strong on the ball and technically gifted and even though it was a hard game it was also enjoyable. They came at us with real intensity so when we were able to deflect that and pass the ball around at a quick tempo it felt good. We conceded twice but the way we managed to control the pace of the game will give us confidence".
"Well, for the goal I was in two minds whether to hit the ball first time or take a touch. After I trapped the ball there was nothing for it but to shoot and it went just where I wanted it to. Recently we just don't seem to be able to calm down until we've scored. Today again if we could have enjoyed more possession and controlled the game more it would have been much better. Scoring first would have been more important then. Of course there's some tiredness but how we play when things aren't going our way is an issue we have to look at".
F.C.Tokyo manager Popovic
"First of all I think that I have to get a grip of myself. It's not that I'm only angry with the result or the performance but I feel that some players thought the game was won before the final whistle. It seemed like they thought it was all over. Yes, I'm angry. Our opponents today are a very good team. In the first half they defended well, intercepted the ball and counter attacked whereas we controlled the rhythm in the second half. However, playing a thoughtless ball cost us a goal.
We were playing well and were on top so much it seemed like only a matter of time before we scored a third goal so to concede such a simple goal is very disappointing. Even so, to play against one of the top teams in Asia and control the game for so long is a positive we can take from the match. I think our lack of experience in shutting out the opposition to win tight games showed today. We didn't have the belief that we could hold on and that's disappointing".
【蔚山現代・キム ホゴン監督の会見要旨】「両チームともに非常に良い試合をしたと感じている。事前の情報として、FC東京は昨年より強くなっていると聞いていましたが、その情報どおりでアウェイにきて試合をして感じました。組織的にも戦術的も強かったという印象。2対2の引き分けでしたが、蔚山に関してはコンディションが思っていたより上がっておらず、そこが予想外だった。FC東京は、攻守のバランスが安定してきているし、攻撃のテンポがスピードアップしている、両サイドのオーバーラップも組織的にトレーニングされていた。
Ulsan Hyundai manager Kim Ho-gon
"I felt that both teams played a good game today. We had heard that Tokyo were much improved from last year and that's the way it turned out in what was very much an away game for us. My impression was that they were very strong in terms of the system and the tactics. It ended as a 2-2 draw but from Ulsan's point of view our condition hadn't improved as much as we had expected. F.C.Tokyo had a good balance between defence and attack, increased the tempo as they moved forward and the sidebacks looked well-trained in the systematic way they overlapped.
We played well as a team at the start of the first half but after that we found it difficult to construct moves and break the deadlock. We couldn't open them up. In the second half we seemed to have a problem with our power and weren't allowed to play our game, I felt. We couldn't follow our game plan 100% which was disappointing, but the players fought to the bitter end and earned a draw so I want to praise them for that".