第13節 2005/7/02(土)
観衆 20,555人
天候 晴、無 気温 25.3度 湿度 79%
主審:上川 徹 副審:廣嶋 禎数/前島 和彦 四審:野口 達生
J1 第13節


FC東京 | セレッソ大阪 | |
53' 戸田 光洋 55' ルーカス |
得点者 |
75' ゼ カルロス 89' ゼ カルロス |
54' 近藤 祐介 → ルーカス 72' 三浦 文丈 → 浅利 悟 84' 栗澤 僚一 → 梶山 陽平 |
選手交代 |
59' 久藤 清一 → 苔口 卓也 63' 布部 陽功 → 徳重 隆明 70' 森島 寛晃 → 黒部 光昭 |
12 | シュート | 10 |
3 | CK | 5 |
19 | FK | 13 |
15' 加地 亮 73' 浅利 悟 81' ルーカス 89' 今野 泰幸 |
警告 |
44' 西澤 明訓 79' 下村 東美 |
退場 |
GK | 1 | 土肥 洋一 |
DF | 20 | 加地 亮 |
DF | 3 | ジャーン |
DF | 2 | 茂庭 照幸 |
DF | 17 | 金沢 浄 |
MF | 10 | 三浦 文丈 |
MF | 6 | 今野 泰幸 |
MF | 27 | 栗澤 僚一 |
MF | 18 | 石川 直宏 |
FW | 13 | 戸田 光洋 |
FW | 32 | 近藤 祐介 |
GK | 21 | 遠藤 大志 |
DF | 8 | 藤山 竜仁 |
MF | 7 | 浅利 悟 |
MF | 23 | 梶山 陽平 |
FW | 9 | ルーカス |
GK | 22 | 吉田 宗弘 |
DF | 2 | ブルーノ クアドロス |
DF | 19 | 山崎 哲也 |
DF | 3 | 柳本 啓成 |
MF | 23 | 下村 東美 |
MF | 4 | 布部 陽功 |
MF | 7 | 久藤 清一 |
MF | 6 | ゼ カルロス |
MF | 5 | ファビーニョ |
FW | 20 | 西澤 明訓 |
FW | 8 | 森島 寛晃 |
GK | 1 | 伊藤 友彦 |
DF | 31 | 鶴見 智美 |
MF | 13 | 苔口 卓也 |
MF | 11 | 徳重 隆明 |
FW | 10 | 黒部 光昭 |
対するC大阪はリーグ開幕より3連敗したが、その後調子を上げ、4勝4分1敗で現在11位につける。今節はケガのためDF前田、FW古橋が欠場となるが、堅守から速いカウンターには注意が必要。決定力の高いFW西澤、自由な動きで飛び出してくるFW森島、そして「ブラジル人選手特有のドリブルや間合いでアクセントになっている(原監督)」という左サイドのMFゼ カルロスをしっかり抑えたいところだ。
Simple Is Best!
Following a six week break the J.League reopened with the visit of Cerezo Osaka to Ajinomoto Stadium. In the three weeks since the final Nabisco Cup game TOKYO had spent a few days at the J.Village in Fukushima in preparation for the restart. Training had focused on the basics: increasing strength, winning individual match ups and switching from defence to attack.
Doi, Moniwa and Kaji had rejoined the team from National Team duty while Masushima and Kajiyama had returned from the World Youth Championships. TOKYO fielded Toda and Kondo in attack, with Miura and Konno in defensive midfield. Fujiyama, Lucas and Kajiyama were recovered from injury and appeared on the subs' bench.
Cerezo had begun the season with three straight losses but then steadied to post a W4 D4 L1 in the following nine games and lay 11th. in the table at kick off. Regulars Maeda and Furuhashi were injured but the Cerezo style of solid defence and rapid counter attacking would demand extreme concentration from TOKYO. In -form striker Nishizawa, wily veteran Morishima and flamboyant dribbler Ze Carlos all posed a major threat.
Before kick off TOKYO manager Hara commented, "Cerezo are the only team to have beaten Kashima Antlers this year and if we allow them to dictate play or if we give the ball away they will feed Nishizawa and hit us on the counter. We have to prevent the game being played at their pace and make sure we finish all our moves with an attempt on goal". The players were highly motivated and pledged to fight to the finish in true TOKYO style.
The downpours of the Rainy Season abated for the day and the match began shortly after 7pm on a warm, clear evening.
17分にはC大阪がゴール前右サイドライン際からのFK。MFゼ カルロスが狙うが土肥がキャッチ。19分には、中盤やや右寄りから石川が強いグラウンダーのシュート。その勢いに相手GKがいったんはこぼすが、近藤祐は詰めきれず。21分には東京の左サイドで攻め込まれるが、しっかり守って奪い、カウンターを仕掛ける。栗澤が右へ振り、受けた石川が右エリアからシュートを放つが相手GKがセーブ。C大阪は29分に速いカウンター。MF久藤の右クロスは石川がクリアし、CKに逃れる。30分には相手CKから今度は東京が速攻。石川→加地のコンビから右クロスを上げるがGKキャッチ。 ボールを支配し、攻め込む東京だが決定的なシーンには結びつかない。
33分には戸田が左サイドをドリブルで疾走、中央に送ったグラウンダーのクロスは近藤祐に合わず。このDFクリアを拾って、栗澤が左の遠めの位置からシュートするがGKキャッチ。40分には中盤で相手ボールを奪った栗澤がドリブルで上がり、倒されてFKを得る。エリア外の左サイドからのFKを石川が狙うが、惜しくも左に切れる。44分には近藤祐が放った豪快なミドルがGKにはじかれ、CKに。前半終了間際にはC大阪ゼ カルロスの左クロスから森島がフリーでヘディングシュートを放たれるがバーの上に。東京は安定した守備から、右からは石川と加地を起点に、左からは栗澤のスルーパスなどからチャンスをつくろうとしたが、今ひとつ前線にボールがわたらず、決定的なシーンの数は多くはなかった。両チーム無得点のまま、後半に折り返した。
First Period Ends Scoreless
TOKYO hit the ground running and nearly had the ball in the net seconds after kickoff. Kondo received the ball from Konno, raced into the Cerezo area and fired a low cross shot that evaded Toda's boot by inches as he slid in at the far post. Kondo won a corner in the 3rd. minute before Cerezo showed their counter attacking prowess through Morishima, who also won a corner. The home defence dealt with the danger comfortably. In the 9th. minute TOKYO latched onto a loose ball following a Cerezo corner and Kurisawa played a sublime, raking cross field ball to Ishikawa; the visitors' defence scrambled Ishikawa's cross away for a throw in. TOKYO were playing the ball around neatly and maintaing a fine balance between defence and attack.
In the 17th. minute Doi held Ze Carlos' well struck free kick. Yoshida, the Cerezo keeper, fumbled Ishikawa's powerfully struck daisy cutter in the 19th. minute but recovered to snatch the ball away from the on-rushing Kondo. The TOKYO left repelled a Cerezo attack in the 21st. minute then countered with Kurisawa setting up Ishikawa. Yoshida made a fine save to deny Ishikawa the opening goal. Cerezo won a pair of corners in the 30th. minute but the TOKYO defence held firm and launched another counter attack from the second one. Ishikawa fed the overlapping Kaji who raced to the byline but Yoshida cut out his cross. TOKYO were dominating posession but failed to create a clear-cut scoring opportunity.
Toda scampered down the left and crossed in the 33rd. minute; the ball evaded Kondo but a poor clearance fell to Kurisawa and his firm drive produced another save from Yoshida. Ishikawa hit a free kick wide of the post and Kondo drew a flying save from Yoshida with a thunderous drive from 25 yards as the first half drew to a close. Morishima should have put Cerezo ahead in injury time but headed over when unmarked in front of goal. That was a let off for TOKYO who had otherwise defended stoutly and attacked with purpose throughout the first period.
後半、立ち上がりからアグレッシブにC大阪陣内に攻め込む東京。特に石川が起点になり、クロスを中心にチャンスをつくろうとした。52分にはカウンターから近藤祐が左エリアまで攻め上がり、DFをかわしてシュート体勢に入るが、C大阪DFがカット。しかし53分、ついにゴールが生まれた。加地のアーリークロスに対し、ニアに走った戸田が低い姿勢からダイビングヘッド! ボールはファーのネットを揺らしてイン。前半から繰り返していた狙いどおりの形から先制点を奪った。
2点のリードを奪った東京、60分には今野のスルーパスに戸田がDFラインの裏に飛び出し、相手DFを中に切り返してシュート。惜しくも左にきれた。しかしC大阪も気落ちすることなくカウンターを繰り出し、激しいぶつかり合いと、攻守がスピーディに入れ替わる展開が続いた。C大阪は59分にMF苔口を、63分にはMF徳重を、70分にはFW黒部を次々と投入。これに対し東京は、72分には三浦に代えて浅利を投入。しかしその直後のことだった。C大阪のFKの場面で、ゴール前で相手を倒したとの判定でPKを与えてしまう。75分、これをゼ カルロスに決められ、1点差に追い上げられることに。
ここからC大阪の攻め込みを許すシーンが増え、82分には右エリア内でフリーのFW西澤が東京DFを切り返しシュート。これはバーを越え、事なきを得た。84分には栗澤に代えて梶山を投入。ボールをキープすることで反撃を断ち切ろうとしたが、逆に奪われカウンターを仕掛けられる場面が増え、それをファールで止めるという展開に。そしてロスタイムに入って、石川→梶山のパスを奪われ、速攻を仕掛けられると、スピードを活かしたMF苔口の中央突破に対し、今野がたまらずファールで抑え、ゴール正面約25m付近でFKを与える。これをMFゼ カルロスに決められ、同点に追いつかれてしまった。終了間際には東京もゴール前でFKのチャンスを得るが、ルーカスのキックは壁に阻まれ、タイムアップ。狙いどおりの攻撃から2点を奪いリードするも、セットプレーから2点を失い、無念の引き分けに終わった。
Toda, Lucas Score But....
TOKYO began the second period firmly encamped in the Cerezo half. Ishikawa buzzed along the right wing looking for centreing opportunities but it was Kaji who provided the cross for the opening goal in the 53rd. minute. Toda met his centre to the near post with a perfect diving header that flew past Yoshida to give the home side a well-deserved lead. TOKYO attempted the move several times during the first half and it finally bore fruit.
The Cerezo defence was wobbling under the sustained onslaught and TOKYO sent on Lucas in the 53rd. minute. It proved a timely substitution. Lucas picked out Ishikawa and the winger let fly from 30 yards; the ball cannoned off the crossbar and rebounded to Kaji some 25 yards out. Kaji hammered a low drive that Yoshida fumbled and Lucas was on hand to side foot the ball into the net and double the lead.
Toda should have made it three a minute later when he raced onto Konno's through ball but fired his shot into the side netting. Cerezo were down but not out and continued to hit TOKYO on the counter attack. The visitors sent on Kokeguchi, Tokushige and Kurobe while TOKYO responded by replacing Miura with Asari. Cerezo earned a penalty in the 75th. minute when a player went down in the box following a free kick. Ze Carlos converted to reduce the lead to a single goal.
The momentum swung back to Cerezo and Nishizawa should have equalised in the 82nd. minute but fired over the bar. TOKYO replaced Kurisawa with Kajiyama to maintain possession but the switch failed to stem the tide and the home side resorted to illegal means to halt Cerezo's forward movement. Deep into injury time Konno fouled the pacy Kokeguchi about 25 metres from goal; Ze Carlos stepped up and curled a sublime free kick over the wall and beyond Doi's despairing dive. Lucas had a chance to snatch victory with the last kick of the game but fired a free kick into the wall from about 25 yards out. The final whistle blew on a disappointing 2-2 draw.
Players' comments
"We played well from the start and found our rhythm. We built a two goal lead but the way we used the ball at the end was very poor. For the second goal I was undecided whether to shoot or cross but I saw a space and just hit it. They caught us out but we weren't overpowered and we can take heart from the performance today".
"Apart from two set plays they hardly threatened at all and it's very disappointing we didn't win the game. We should have won. After going two up we became slightly defensive, I think. The attack was a little monotone and we want to create more from midfield".
"We wanted the three points at all costs today. We were determined not to concede in the first half. The game should have finished 2-1. We won't dwell on this but move on to the next game".
TOKYO manager Hara:
"Everything went according to plan until we were 2-0 up. They won a penalty from a free kick and then scored from another free kick in injury time. We have to be able to run down the clock in that situation. However, many of the things we worked on during the break showed in our play today. Nishizawa and Morishima hardly had a chance at all and the defence played very well. Neither Toda nor Kondo are holding players so we worked on defending solidly and creating space for them to run into; we focused on breaking rapidly from defence. Lucas returned from injury and is skilled at receiving the ball and moving it out to the wings. Our goals came from a cross and a shot so we're pleased with that. Defending a lead is a recurring problem for us but with the injured players coming back we feel we're moving in the right direction and are looking forward to the next game".
Cerezo manager Kobayashi
"For the first game after the break that was tough. We looked sluggish and really didn't create at all. We had to move some players around because of injuries but the attacking combination completely misfired. TOKYO really turned us over today. We conceded two goal in a few minutes but fought back to draw the game; that's something that has never happened before. The players' desire to win was very strong and the second half substitutes performed well for us. This is something positive we can take from today's game".