第16節 2005/7/13(水)
観衆 10,739人
天候 曇、弱 気温 24.0度 湿度 79%
主審:奥谷 彰男 副審:唐木田 徹/田尻 智計 四審:大西 弘幸
J1 第16節


清水エスパルス | FC東京 | |
得点者 |
62' ルーカス |
45' 佐藤 由紀彦 → 澤登 正朗 69' 久保山 由清 → 太田 圭輔 75' 伊東 輝悦 → 西野 泰正 |
選手交代 |
73' 梶山 陽平 → 三浦 文丈 81' ルーカス → 馬場 憂太 89' 石川 直宏 → 鈴木 規郎 |
12 | シュート | 17 |
6 | CK | 8 |
17 | FK | 16 |
52' チョ ジェジン |
警告 | |
退場 |
GK | 1 | 黒河 貴矢 |
DF | 25 | 市川 大祐 |
DF | 2 | 斉藤 俊秀 |
DF | 11 | 森岡 隆三 |
DF | 3 | 山西 尊裕 |
MF | 20 | 佐藤 由紀彦 |
MF | 4 | 高木 和道 |
MF | 7 | 伊東 輝悦 |
MF | 16 | チェ テウク |
FW | 15 | 久保山 由清 |
FW | 18 | チョ ジェジン |
GK | 31 | 山本 海人 |
DF | 30 | 岩下 敬輔 |
MF | 22 | 太田 圭輔 |
MF | 10 | 澤登 正朗 |
FW | 37 | 西野 泰正 |
GK | 1 | 土肥 洋一 |
DF | 20 | 加地 亮 |
DF | 3 | ジャーン |
DF | 2 | 茂庭 照幸 |
DF | 17 | 金沢 浄 |
MF | 23 | 梶山 陽平 |
MF | 6 | 今野 泰幸 |
MF | 18 | 石川 直宏 |
MF | 27 | 栗澤 僚一 |
FW | 13 | 戸田 光洋 |
FW | 9 | ルーカス |
GK | 21 | 遠藤 大志 |
MF | 7 | 浅利 悟 |
MF | 10 | 三浦 文丈 |
MF | 14 | 馬場 憂太 |
MF | 15 | 鈴木 規郎 |
清水は現在、得点17失点14勝点20で10位につける。堅固な守備から、好調のFWチョ ジェジン、左MFのチェ テウク、右の佐藤由紀彦を活かした速いカウンターで勝ち点を積み重ねている。守備の意識が高い清水に対して、アウェーでも有利な試合運びをするためには、どうしても先取点がほしいところだ。また相手のカウンターを抑えるためには、中途半端な形で奪われることは避け、必ずフィニッシュまで持ち込むことも重要。焦点はサイドの主導権を握って、清水の堅守をどうこじ開けるか。アウェーながら勝利をもぎとりにいく。
先発メンバーは前節と同様ながら、今節はルーカスを1トップに置く4-5-1の布陣。清水も前節(神戸戦)と同様、トップにチョ ジェジン、トップ下にFW久保山、MF伊東とMF高木和がダブルボランチを組み、東京と同じ4バックの布陣。気温24度、風は吹き出したが、79パーセントという高い湿度の日本平スタジアム、19時4分に清水のキックオフで開始された。
Breaching The Wall
F.C.TOKYO traveled south to Shizuoka to take on Shimizu S-Pulse in the 16th. league game of the season. Three consecutive draws, the last two 0-0, had been the return since the J.League restarted and the sudden scarcity of goals was proving problematic. "The goals we conceded against Cerezo came from a free kick and penalty. The defence has been solid and the team balance very good. The conditions were appalling for the Verdy game but we need to tighten up our attack and improve our accuracy in the final third of the pitch. We need more variation in attack", commented manager Hara.
S-Pulse lay in 10th. place before kick off with 20 points, having scored 17 but only conceded 14 goals. The club's relative success this year has been based on solid defence and rapid counter attacks with midfielders Cho, on the right and Sato, on the left, supplying in-form striker Choi. Not conceding the first goal would be the main priority for the visitors; losing the ball with players committed to attack could prove fatal. Finding space along the flanks and finishing each move with an attempt on goal would be the game plan.
The starting eleven was the same as the Verdy game but Lucas played as lone striker in a 4-5-1 formation. S-Pulse also stayed with the same line up that started the previous match with Kuboyama playing in the withdrawn striker position behind Choi. Ito and Takagi played as double defensive midfielders with a four-man defence behind them. The game kicked off shortly after seven on a humid evening.
清水も13分には右CKから、東京DFのクリアを拾って、左エリアからMFチェ テウクがシュート。危ない場面であったが、 バーを越えた。16分には左サイドからのパスを受けたFW久保山が、エリア手前でゴールに向き直りシュート。こちらもゴールの上に。21分、MF高木のミドルシュートは土肥がキャッチ。続いて前線へのスルーパスにチェ テウクが飛び出し、追う東京DFを尻目にGKと1対1に。土肥が果敢に飛び出してボールを押さえ、決定的ピンチを凌いだ。 清水の鋭いカウンターから攻め込みを許すシーンも見られたが、土肥、茂庭を中心によく守り、17分には左スローインから、金沢→ルーカス→戸田→金沢→栗澤とダイレクトパス。DFのこぼれを拾って今度は右に展開し、加地→石川のクロスと、サイドを起点に東京も攻めの形をつくった。
TOKYO Gamble On Victory
TOKYO raced at S-Pulse from the whistle with Kurisawa dribbling forward and shooting. Kajiyama began a promising move in the 7th. minute, finding Kurisawa advancing down the right. Kurisawa moved the ball on to Ishikawa whose cross from the byline was cleared out to Konno on the left of the area. Konno unleashed a firm drive but Kurokawa, in the S-Pulse goal, produced a good save to tip the ball around the post. In the 15th. minute Lucas intercepted a loose pass in midfield and played the ball over the S-Pulse defence but Toda was given offside in a marginal decision.
In the 15th. minute Choi fired just over the TOKYO bar following a corner. Kuboyama also failed to hit the target from a similar position a minute later. Midfielder Takagi tried his luck from long range in the 21st. minute but Doi held his effort comfortably. A through ball split the TOKYO defence and Choi raced away with only Doi to beat; the TOKYO No.1 sprinted out of his goal and foiled a certain goal with a brave lunge at Choi's feet. The home side had some opportunities on fast breaks but Moniwa and Doi were in fine form. TOKYO began to dominate play along the flanks and enjoyed a period of possession that failed to produce a clear cut chance.
In the 31st. minute Kajiyama powered to the edge of the area before the S-Pulse defence blocked his progress; the loose ball fell to Ishikawa but he shot wide. TOKYO won a corner in the 40th. minute following a sweeping crossfield move. Toda hit the ball on the half volley but saw his effort deflect off a defender. As the first period drew to a close Kajiyama produced a fine through ball to Kurisawa whose pace took him away from the last defender. With only the keeper to beat Kurisawa mishit his shot and an excellent opportunity was wasted. Both sides were showing signs of fatigue and the half was far from a classic but Kajiyama's top quality passing sparked TOKYO to find their rhythm and the visitors looked forward to the second period.
左サイドを駆け上がったチョ テウクの鋭いクロスは、土肥が飛び出し触ったが、こぼれが右エリアの澤登に。しかしそこからのシュートは、金沢が文字どおり身体を張って抑えきる。続いて51分、52分には清水の波状攻撃。ワイドに振られてピンチを招くが、決定的なシュートは打たせず、なんとか凌いだ。
その後、サイドでの主導権を争いながら、攻守入れ替わる展開が続いたが、迎えた62分、栗澤のパスを右サイドで受けたルーカスが勝負を仕掛け、ゴール前に突進。右エリアで相手DFにフェイントをかけ、果敢にシュート。これがDFの足元を抜けて、ゴール左下隅に決まり、ゴールイン! ルーカスの勝負する姿勢が待望の先制点を生んだ!!
しかし、ここから清水は、澤登の正確なキックを武器に反撃。68分、左に流れた澤登のアーリークロスに、ドンピシャのタイミングでチョ ジェジンがヘッドを振りぬく。これは土肥が横っ飛びでナイスセーブ! 69分、清水はFW久保山に代わりMF太田が、75分にはボランチの伊東に代わりFW西野がイン。2トップで前線を厚くして1点を奪いにきた。しかし東京も73分に梶山に代えて三浦を投入。76分には清水の右CK。澤登のキックにニアで西野がヘッドで合わせるが、土肥がセーブ! 79分には再び清水の左CKからMF高木が打点の高いヘッドでつなぐが、東京DFがクリアした。
81分にはルーカスに代えて馬場を投入。守りに入らず、攻めの姿勢を出すことで清水の反撃を封じ、逆に切り替えの速い攻撃からフィニッシュに持ち込むシーンも増えた。83分には、速攻から左サイドを上がった戸田が中に切り込み、果敢にシュート。85分には、清水陣内で清水DFのパスミスをひろった馬場がゴールを狙う。試合終盤には、清水に立て続けのCK、ロスタイムにはゴール正面でのFKを与えたが、緊迫した状況にも集中を切らさず守りぬき、相手のミスにも助けられてタイムアップ。ルーカスの1点を守り抜き、3戦連続無失点で勝ち点3をもぎとった! これによりリーグ戦では第4節磐田戦以来、12試合ぶりの勝利を果たした。
【原監督の会見要旨】「ずっと良い試合をしながらも勝てなかったが、ケガ人が多くて連敗していた頃よりも、チーム全体のバランスはかなり良くなっているという手応えをつかんでいた。しかし今度は、なかなか点が取れなかった。そこでルーカスの足に回復のメドが立ってきたので、彼を真ん中に、戸田を左にして、バランスは崩さないように挑んだ。前節は戸田とルーカスの2トップでやったが、戸田は左サイドから走った方がいいだろうと考え、ルーカスはコンディションさえ戻れば、中央でボールをキープできる。そこから両サイドを使っていくという意図で、バランス良く攻められたと思う。エスパルスはカウンターが速い。前後半1回ずつ危険な場面があったが、MFチェ テウクにボールがわたるとかなり速いので、そのカウンターに気をつけながら、攻撃ではルーカスを活かしてサイドを崩していこうとした。前半はなかなか点が取れなかったが、全員で踏ん張ってしっかり守った。『チャンスは必ずくるから、シュートを枠に飛ばそう』と話していたが、ルーカスがしっかり決めてくれた。こんなに勝てなかったことは、クラブにも私自身にもなかったこと。決して悪くないのに勝てない。でもそれは我々に『もっと強くなれ』と言われていると前向きに捉え、絶対に乗り越えていこうと、アウェーでも勝点3を取りにいった。アウェーにも応援に来てくれて、負けていても応援してくれるサポーターがいることはすごくありがたいし、それに応えなければいけない。ただ、それに甘えてはいけないし、普段の練習や生活から、もっと上を目指し、強いチームになりたい。すぐにマリノス戦があるので、これで喜んではいられない。次はホームなので、味の素スタジアムでサポーターに勝利をプレゼントしたい。ここから上を向いて、もっと強気で良いサッカーをして勝っていきたい」
Lucas' Goal Earns Valuable Win
S-Pulse replaced Sato with Sawanobori for the second half and the midfielder made an immediate impact, dribbling deep into the TOKYO half and earning a corner. The TOKYO defence held firm and launched a counter attack. In the 47th. minute Kajiyama set up Kanazawa for a shot and a minute later Kaji struck well from outside the area despite being under heavy pressure. The threat of over-extending themselves and being caught out remained and S-Pulse launched a rapid break in the 50th. minute.
Cho hit an early cross into the box that Doi punched clear, but only as far as Sawanobori. Sawanobori struck firmly but Kanazawa flung himself into the path of the ball to deny the home side. The move signalled a period of intense pressure from S-Pulse that the TOKYO defence repelled somehow.
The see-saw battle for dominance on the wings continued until Lucas collected the ball from Kurisawa and burst through the middle in the 62nd. minute. Lucas feinted to unbalance the last defender then struck a drive through his legs and inside the left post. Lucas' direct approach had given TOKYO a valuable lead.
S-Pulse struck back urgently, with Sawanobori the chief provider. In the 68th. minute he curled a pinpoint cross onto Choi's head but Doi pulled off a stunning save, diving full length, to deny the equaliser. S-Pulse replaced forward Kuboyama with midfielder Ota and defensive midfielder Ito with forward Nishino, switching to a twin striker formation. TOKYO responded by replacing Kajiyama with Miura. In the 76th. minute Sawanobori planted a corner onto Nishino's head at the near post but Doi again produced a fine save. The visitors' defence foiled another corner in the 79th. minute.
Baba replaced Lucas in the 81st. minute and instead of defending the slim lead TOKYO took the game to their hosts. Toda cut inside after dribbling down the wing in the 83rd. minute and shot. S-Pulse won a free kick in a good position as the game moved into injury time but the TOKYO defence held firm and saw out the tense, final few minutes until the whistle blew on a hard-fought 1-0 victory. Another clean sheet and the first league win since the 4th. game of the season were the rewards for a fine performance.
Players' comments
"It felt like a cross-shot when I hit it but if you shoot from that position the goalkeeper might fumble the ball and you don't know what will happen. We played well today; the passing was smooth and we created chances. The support from our fans was terrific again. We still have many things to work on but this will give us confidence".
"I had a couple of shooting chances at the start of the second half but they both fell to my right foot. I was pleased to get into shooting positions though. The final few minutes were tight but we were concentrating on not falling into a defensive mode. We hadn't won for a long time so I'm really thrilled with the win today. The way we play the next game will be very important".
F.C.TOKYO manager Hara:
"We've been playing well but not winning recently and the overall team balance is much better now that it has been for a while. We just don't seem able to score though. With Lucas fit again and playing centrally and Toda on the left we have a much better shape in attack. I played them as twin strikers in the last game but Toda is more valuable using his pace down the left while Lucas holds the ball up in the middle. Our plan was to use the flanks and we attacked with a good balance today, I felt. S-Pulse counter attack very quickly. The midfielder Cho is very fast on the ball and both sides had one good chance each in the first half. We felt it was very important to avoid being caught out and focused our attack on Lucas in the centre and along the wings. I told the players at half time that chances would definitely come and to aim to hit the target. Lucas took the goal very well. This slump was a first for the club and a first for me; we didn't play badly but just couldn't win. We knew we would break out of it but to pick up three points away from home like this is great. Our supporters follow us away even when we're losing and we really wanted to repay them with a win. We still have a lot of hard work ahead of us, starting with the F Marinos game on Sunday. We want to present the fans with a win at Ajinomoto Stadium and move further up the table".
S-Pulse manager Hasegawa:
"TOKYO had more desire today and that showed in the result. Our players looked a little tired and the movement and passing in the first half wasn't good enough. We won away in the last game and our relief at that win showed in our play today. Sato wasn't in particularly good condition and picked up an ankle injury in the first half so we sent on Sawanobori to add some composure on the ball. That worked but we failed to score when we had the upper hand and that led to the defeat. We needed to create more from midfield. We made several mistakes, lost the ball in poor positions and that insecurity spread to the defence. We need to be calmer when we have possession. There are always going to be games like this though; we have to make sure it doesn't continue. It's the first time we have looked sluggish all season. We're going to forget this match and work hard in training to improve our condition for the next one".