第23節 2005/9/10(土)
観衆 25,350人
天候 晴、弱 気温 27.6度 湿度 68%
主審:岡田 正義 副審:河野 暁/佐藤 秀明 四審:鍋島 將起
J1 第23節


FC東京 | 清水エスパルス | |
56' 戸田 光洋 |
得点者 | |
53' 鈴木 規郎 → ササ サルセード 78' 栗澤 僚一 → 阿部 吉朗 85' 戸田 光洋 → 馬場 憂太 |
選手交代 |
60' 佐藤 由紀彦 → チェ テウク 69' 久保山 由清 → 澤登 正朗 82' 山西 尊裕 → 北嶋 秀朗 |
13 | シュート | 12 |
5 | CK | 7 |
20 | FK | 16 |
13' 鈴木 規郎 40' 土肥 洋一 |
警告 |
72' マルキーニョス 87' 澤登 正朗 |
退場 |
GK | 1 | 土肥 洋一 |
DF | 20 | 加地 亮 |
DF | 3 | ジャーン |
DF | 2 | 茂庭 照幸 |
DF | 8 | 藤山 竜仁 |
MF | 23 | 梶山 陽平 |
MF | 6 | 今野 泰幸 |
MF | 15 | 鈴木 規郎 |
MF | 27 | 栗澤 僚一 |
FW | 13 | 戸田 光洋 |
FW | 9 | ルーカス |
GK | 21 | 遠藤 大志 |
MF | 10 | 三浦 文丈 |
MF | 14 | 馬場 憂太 |
FW | 11 | 阿部 吉朗 |
FW | 38 | ササ サルセード |
GK | 21 | 西部 洋平 |
DF | 25 | 市川 大祐 |
DF | 2 | 斉藤 俊秀 |
DF | 4 | 高木 和道 |
DF | 3 | 山西 尊裕 |
MF | 20 | 佐藤 由紀彦 |
MF | 7 | 伊東 輝悦 |
MF | 6 | 杉山 浩太 |
MF | 13 | 兵働 昭弘 |
FW | 17 | マルキーニョス |
FW | 15 | 久保山 由清 |
GK | 1 | 黒河 貴矢 |
DF | 26 | 青山 直晃 |
MF | 10 | 澤登 正朗 |
MF | 16 | チェ テウク |
FW | 9 | 北嶋 秀朗 |
Back To Basics
The 23rd. contest of the season saw F.C.TOKYO take on Shimizu S-Pulse at the Tokyo National Stadium in central Tokyo. Manager Hara's verdict on the loss to Reysol was harsh, "We weren't fast enough or determined enough in the challenge. If we don't fight for every ball we can never play football. Simply saying 'We want to win' is meaningless without that base". The squad went back to basics in rigorous training sessions during the week. Whether the team could bring the heightened intensity into the game was the question.
Doi, Moniwa and Kaji had all been away with the Japanese national team during the week and worries over their condition remained. Ishikawa was injured in training and missed the match, another setback for the team. Toda had returned from injury though, and TOKYO tried a variety of formations in training involving he and Suzuki in midfield, and the in-form Fujiyama in defence. Sasa had a slight knock and started on the bench as TOKYO lined up in a 4-5-1 formation; Lucas as lone striker, Suzuki on the right, Toda on the left and Fujiyama at left back. "It's more of a three-striker formation than a one-striker formation," manager Hara commented on his attacking intentions.
Opponents S-Pulse lay in 13th. place with 25 points at kick off. They had ended a 7 game winless run with a battling 3-2 victory over Frontale in the previous outing but were without the suspended Morioka and Cho Jae Jin. Saito on the left and Sato on the right would bear the weight of attacking duties, with Marquinhos the target man in the centre. The defence had leaked goals recently and midfield uncertainty persisted; it was imperative that TOKYO break up passing movements and prevent the visitors from finding their rhythm. This was an important game for F.C.TOKYO; the team needed a solid performance and three points to pull away from the impending relegation dogfight.
14分にはロングボールを相手DFがクリア。混戦から梶山がヘッドでつなぎ、エリア手前で受けたルーカスが反転してシュート。ビッグチャンスを迎えるが、相手GKのナイスセーブに阻まれる。これで得たCKは栗澤が蹴り、相手GKがパンチング。拾ったジャーンがヘッドで押し込もうとするが、ゴールイン直前で再び相手DFにクリア。次いで右CKから戸田がヘッドを放つが、左にきれる。23分には栗澤の右からのパスに、ゴール前に飛び出した戸田がシュート。ループ気味に狙ったがボールはバーをヒット! 跳ね返りを拾ったルーカスのシュートもミートせず。
Chances Created In Open Encounter
S-Pulse kicked off at shortly after 6:30 on a balmy evening and came within a whisker of taking the lead in the very first minute as Marquinhos directed a firm header just over the ball from a well-struck free kick. The visitors displayed a serious threat from further free kicks in the 5th. and 7th. minutes. TOKYO showed their attacking prowess in the 8th. minute as Toda met Suzuki's cross with a header and Lucas seized onto the loose ball but the visitor's defence blocked his effort.
Moniwa and Marquinhos raced shoulder to shoulder after a long punt upfield in the 10th. minute; the TOKYO defender won the battle and poked the ball out for a corner. S-Pulse again penetrated deep into the home area in the 12th. minute through Ito but his pull back from the byline was cleared by some watchful defending. TOKYO were hitting long balls towards the forward line but failed to keep possession and the visitors began to play the ball around in midfield. Both sides continued to create chances.
In the 14th. minute Kajiyama nodded a clearance down to Lucas on the edge of the S-Pulse area; Lucas twisted away from a defender and shot but Nishibe, the S-Pulse keeper, produced a superbly athletic save to deny TOKYO the opening goal. Jean looped a header goalward after Nishibe punched the resulting corner away but a defender on the line stretched to head the ball clear. Toda headed the second corner fractionally wide. Kurisawa played an early cross in to Toda in the 23rd. minute; Toda's attempted shot struck a defender, arced over Nishibe and came back off the bar. Lucas failed to connect cleanly with the rebound.
Toda's well-timed runs created chances for TOKYO but loose play gave the ball away and allowed S-Pulse to counter attack. In the 30th. minute the visitors won the ball in midfield on the right and played a deep cross to Marquinhos on the left of the TOKYO area. Marquinhos cushioned a pass into the path of Hyodo and Doi produced a good save to hold his low drive. Marquinhos fired wide from a excellent position in the 36th. minute and should have hit the target in the 41st. but blazed over the bar. He lunged at and missed another cross from Hyodo in the 42nd. minute. Poor finishing rather than expert defending kept the halftime score at 0-0.
東京は53分に鈴木規に代えてササを投入。2トップで勝負を賭ける。55分にはササが左エリアに突進、きれいなフォームからシュートを放つが、GKに阻まれる。その直後、今度は左に流れたササがファールで倒され、エリア左外からのFKを得る。栗澤のキックは、ファーで待ち構えた今野のもとへ。今野は判断よくヘッドで折り返す。このボールに、右から左に回りこみ、再び中へ現れたが戸田がボレーで蹴り込み先制! 7月23日神戸戦以来の出場となった戸田の、復帰後初ゴールで均衡を破った。
先制を機に奪っては攻めに転じる東京。63分にはFKからササがシュート。66分にもFKの相手GKのこぼれを拾って加地がミドルシュートを放つが、バーを越えた。74分には栗澤のCKを相手GKがクリア。これを拾った藤山のクロスに、ジャーンが高いヘッドで飛び込むが、惜しくもGKの正面を突く。攻めきりたい東京であったが、清水も60分には右MF佐藤に代えてMFチェ テウクを、69分にFW久保山に代えてMF澤登を投入。徐々にリズムをつかみ、右サイドのチェを起点に反撃に出る。75分過ぎには東京のクリアが甘くなり、波状攻撃を受けるが、DF陣が奮闘して凌ぎきる。78分には栗澤→阿部を投入しサイドの主導権を引き戻そうとするが清水ペースは変わらず。
82分には清水DFラインのロングフィードからMFチェが右エリアに抜け出し、東京DFを2人、3人と切り返し中央へ進入してシュート。決定的なシーンであったが、藤山の粘り強いDFでカット! 84分にはMFチェ→右前線に上がったDF市川がフリーでクロス。中央に途中出場のMF澤登が飛び込むチャンスをつくられる。86分にもチェを起点に猛攻を仕掛けられるが、身体を張って防ぎきった。85分には戸田に代えて馬場を投入、最後まで攻めの姿勢を崩さず。一方でDF陣は集中を欠かさずゴールを死守。気持ちの入った戦いで戸田のゴールを守りきり、7月13日横浜FM戦以来、6試合ぶりとなる勝利を挙げた。
【清水・長谷川監督の会見要旨】「なかなか連勝できず、今日も前半立ち上がりから何回か惜しい場面があったが、そこを決めることが出来なかった。セットプレーは警戒しており、セカンドボールのこともハーフタイムに話をしていたが、折り返されたボールに一瞬早く反応されて押し込まれてしまった。全体的にはバランスよく守ったと思うが、一瞬の隙に対応できず、勝ち点0という非常に残念な結果に終わった。選手たちも国立でやるということと、これまで順位が下の相手に勝ち星が上げられなかったことに対し、気持ちを込めて臨んだはずだが、良い形で終われなかった。ただ、内容的には非常に良かった。次の新潟戦に向けて1週間しっかり準備をして、ホームで連勝できる形に持っていきたい。(具体的にいい内容とは?)FWチョ ジェジンが出場停止だったが、ロングボールは少なく、中盤をつないでサイドに展開できていた。良いクロスが上がっていたし、MFチェテウクもサイドを破っていたが、最後の詰めが甘かった。FC東京と比べてもロングボールは少なく、川崎、東京戦と良い試合をしている。アウェーだったがカウンターは意識はしていない。我々の方がボールをつなげていたと思うし、東京の方がルーカスへのロングボールは多かった。展開的にも、相手は先制して引いたということもあるが、前半から清水のほうが質の高いサッカーが出来ていた。ただ、勝負に負けては何もならない。ハーフタイムには、伊東、杉山の両ボランチの絡みから良いサッカーが出来ていたので、後半も続けようと話した。サイドは破っていたので、クロスの質と中の選手がしっかり決めるように気をつけようと。森岡の不在は敗因ではない。チェテウクは今週気持ちを入れてトレーニングをしており、コンディションも上がっていたのでどこかで使おうと思っていた。期待にこたえて再三サイドを破ってくれた。今後につながるプレーだった」
Toda Puts TOKYO Ahead
Suzuki and Toda changed sides for the second half as TOKYO began in a more aggressive mood. Suzuki powered down the left in the 47th. minute and struck a powerful cross that evaded the onrushing Kurisawa by inches. The game ebbed and flowed but TOKYO held the initiative.
Sasa replaced Suzuki in the 53rd. minute as TOKYO switched to a twin striker formation. Sasa burst into the area on the left in the 55th. minute, cut inside and shaped to curl the ball inside the far post; Nishibe made another good save. Sasa was again in the thick of the action soon after, winning a free kick a yard equidistant from the byline and the penalty area on the left. Kurisawa stroked the ball over the crowd in the goalmouth to Konno on the right; Konno skillfully guided a header back over the crowd and Toda gleefully volleyed home inside the left post to give TOKYO the lead. On his first appearance since July 23rd. Toda had scored a priceless goal.
Bouyed by taking the lead, TOKYO tore into S-Pulse. Sasa hammered a free kick wide in the 63rd. minute and Kaji flashed a shot over the bar in the 66th. Fujiyama curled a tempting cross back into the danger area after Nishibe had cleared a corner in the 74th. minute. Jean outjumped the S-Pulse defence but directed his header straight at the keeper. S-Pulse had responded by replacing Sato with Choi Tae Uk and striker Kuboyama with midfielder Sawanobori. The changes proved effective with Choi making headway down the right as S-Pulse slowly refound their rhythm. The TOKYO backline struggled with Choi's pace and the introduction of Abe for Kurisawa failed to stem the tide; it was backs to the wall as S-Pulse roared forward in search of an equaliser.
In the 82nd. minute Choi beat three TOKYO players and fired in a low shot that seemed destined for the net until Fujiyama's sterling block averted the danger. Choi buzzed around the TOKYO area probing for an opening but the home defenders flung themselves manfully to plug the gaps. Baba replaced Toda in the 85th. minute in an attempt to relieve the pressure on the defence. TOKYO successfully ran down the clock and held out for a vital win: the first in six games since July 13th.
Players' comments
"It was something we had worked on in training and I had faith that Konno would get the ball back into the centre. I'm very relieved to score. I'd really like to thank everyone who supported me while I was injured. That was a tough game today, though. I haven't got my game sense back completely and it's the first time I played with Sasa. I haven't got my timing right and I played a few poor passes so I've got plenty to work on. I'm going to work as hard as I can to get my game back to it's usual level and contribute to the team".
"That was my first game for a while and I'm really tired. I was concentrating foremost on covering and then winning the ball down the wing. I wanted the players in front of me and alongside to feel confident that the cover was there all the time. We stuck to our tasks very well today. It was two against one when Choi Tae Uk came on and that's something I have to work on".
TOKYO manager Hara
"After we lost concentration and conceded four against Reysol last week we worked very hard in training but still looked stiff and didn't move the ball around at all well early on. But the defence concentrated well today. The team has become rather sluggish and we thought Toda's return would liven things up. The national team members came back on Thursday so we didn't have much time together and they had some tiredness of course, but Kaji in particular worked very hard today. Ishikawa was desperate to play but the doctor advised against it. We were unsure where to play Suzuki and eventually selected Fujiyama as left back. He's in good condition at the moment and was really up for the game today. He's very experienced and his prescence allowed Moniwa and Jean to defend more comfortably. We haven't been able to win recently but the fans have supported us through this lean spell. We have to use this win as a springboard to better performances and more victories. Miura was the only defensive player we had on the bench so we had to send on attack minded players as substitutes; we didn't want to become defensive and start playing too deeply. Toda picked up a knock and we thought about replacing him with Miura but that would have given the wrong message so we sent on Baba instead to maintain an attacking stance. That's what we should be doing as a team".
S-Pulse manager Hasegawa
"We just don't seem to be able to string wins together at the moment. We had some good chances in the first half but couldn't put them away. I spoke to the team about set plays at half time but we were a fraction slow reacting to the ball played back from the free kick and were punished for it. Our balance was good and we defended well but one momentary lapse cost us the game today. It's disappointing as we played well overall. We have a week to prepare for the game against Albirex and we'll be aiming for consecutive home wins. Cho Jae Jin was suspended and we didn't play the long ball, instead we built attacks from midfield and used the flanks. We put in some good crosses and Choi Tae Uk performed well on the right wing. We didn't make the most of our opportunities, though. We played fewer long balls than TOKYO who hit a lot up to Lucas. We weren't playing a counter attacking game; we tried to pass our way forward. We definitely played the better football today, but you don't get anything if you lose. Ito and Sugiyama both had good games and that allowed us to play our football. Choi Tae Uk worked hard in training this week and it showed in his performance. We're looking for more from him in the future".