第30節 2005/11/12(土)
観衆 19,521人
天候 晴、弱 気温 15.0度 湿度 40%
主審:太田 潔 副審:伊藤 力喜雄/蒲澤 淳一 四審:恩氏 孝夫
J1 第30節


鹿島アントラーズ | FC東京 | |
17' 岩政 大樹 |
得点者 |
42' 今野 泰幸 |
68' 青木 剛 → 名良橋 晃 70' 深井 正樹 → 野沢 拓也 81' リカルジーニョ → 鈴木 隆行 |
選手交代 |
64' 茂庭 照幸 → 三浦 文丈 72' 馬場 憂太 → 栗澤 僚一 78' 梶山 陽平 → 浅利 悟 |
22 | シュート | 7 |
11 | CK | 4 |
27 | FK | 11 |
65' リカルジーニョ |
警告 |
41' 鈴木 規郎 72' 三浦 文丈 |
退場 |
GK | 21 | 曽ヶ端 準 |
DF | 24 | 青木 剛 |
DF | 15 | 岩政 大樹 |
DF | 4 | 大岩 剛 |
DF | 7 | 新井場 徹 |
MF | 5 | リカルジーニョ |
MF | 16 | フェルナンド |
MF | 8 | 小笠原 満男 |
MF | 11 | 深井 正樹 |
FW | 10 | 本山 雅志 |
FW | 9 | アレックス ミネイロ |
GK | 29 | 杉山 哲 |
DF | 2 | 名良橋 晃 |
MF | 25 | 野沢 拓也 |
MF | 26 | 増田 誓志 |
FW | 30 | 鈴木 隆行 |
GK | 1 | 土肥 洋一 |
DF | 20 | 加地 亮 |
DF | 3 | ジャーン |
DF | 2 | 茂庭 照幸 |
DF | 8 | 藤山 竜仁 |
MF | 23 | 梶山 陽平 |
MF | 6 | 今野 泰幸 |
MF | 15 | 鈴木 規郎 |
MF | 14 | 馬場 憂太 |
FW | 11 | 阿部 吉朗 |
FW | 9 | ルーカス |
GK | 21 | 遠藤 大志 |
MF | 7 | 浅利 悟 |
MF | 10 | 三浦 文丈 |
MF | 27 | 栗澤 僚一 |
FW | 32 | 近藤 祐介 |
好調さをそのままに リーグ3連勝を目指す!
TOKYO Aim For Hat Trick
F.C.TOKYO made the trip to the Pacific coast to take on Kashima Antlers in the 30th. round of the season. TOKYO had managed to come from behind and win the previous two league games, showing admirable tenacity; after conceding in the 2nd. minute in the win over league leaders Gamba Osaka the side had entirely dominated the game.
Opponents Antlers lay in 2nd. place behind Gamba at kick off and a win was vital for their title challenge. Midfielders Ricardinho and Ogasawara started after training seperately from the rest of the squad during the week. "Even if they aren't at their best Ogasawara and Motoyama can carry possession. If we allow ourselves to be distracted then Fukai, the left sided midfielder, can take advantage. He's very sharp and is probably their in-form player right now," commented TOKYO manager Hara.
TOKYO were without Sasa, on international duty with Paraguay, and the injured Toda and Kanazawa. Kaji returned to the starting line up for the first time since the Omiya Ardija game on October 3rd. His explosive attacking ability along the right flank had been missed. "The double midfield partnership of Konno and Kajiyama, with Baba in front of them, is probably our major weapon at the moment". TOKYO based their game on that solid triangle and the pace of Abe and Suzuki down the flanks. The Antlers centre backs have height and strength but can be turned; if TOKYO could get in behind the defence then chances would appear.
TOKYO had played Antlers at home in the 10th. game of the season. "That was the low point of the year for us," commented manager Hara, "we had so many injuries then. Today we're going to be aggressive and take the game to them. We don't care who we're playing, we just want to perform to the best of our ability". Antlers have traditionally proved difficult opponents for TOKYO and the side has earned little at Kashima Stadium over the years. The game kicked off shortly after 4pm. on a sunny afternoon.
TOKYO Concede; Konno Ties It
Before kick off Hiromi Hara urged his players not to be afraid and go forward positively; the team responded well, harrying Antlers right across the field and dominated the opening few minutes. In the 3rd. minute Suzuki launched a cross from deep on the left that just evaded Lucas. In the 9th. minute TOKYO won the ball in midfield and Abe ran on to shoot wide from distance. TOKYO again won the ball on the halfway line in the 11th. minute and this time Suzuki raced forward before losing, then regaining, possession. It was a bright start from the visitors.
As they so frequently do though, Antlers took the lead without having seriously threatened. In the 17th. minute Fernando struck a free kick from the right of midfield low and hard towards the near post; Iwamasa flicked the ball past Doi to give his side the lead. Kashima then began to slowly wrestle possession away from TOKYO and the balance of the game shifted. Fukai blazed over the bar from mid-range in the 25th. minute and Fernando fired a low drive wide in the 30th. minute following a rapid counter attack after TOKYO had lost the ball in midfield. Antlers created chances but couldn't find a decisive finish while TOKYO struggled to retain posession in the face of some fierce pressure.
Manager Hara urged his players to avoid passing the ball around in midfield and use the wings; the team responded and slowly began to make headway along the flanks. Abe raced down the right in the 32nd. minute, cut inside and slipped the ball to Kajiyama on the edge of the area. Kajiyama played the ball first time to Baba inside the area on the left but his shot lacked power and dribbled wide of the post. Suzuki hammered a free kick over the bar in the 36th. minute, Lucas shot high in the 41st. and then Suzuki not only had a decent appeal for a penalty turned down but was booked for simulation. The balance had swung back in the visitors' favour once more.
TOKYO won a corner in the 42nd. minute. Kajiyama took it short, passing to Baba who let fly from a tight angle. The low effort clipped a couple of defenders and reached Konno at the far post. Konno deftly trapped the ball, turned and drove the ball inside the post for the equaliser. TOKYO looked to press their advantage as the Antlers wobbled but the home side survived some anxious moments and the score remained 1-1 at half time.
後半開始から一進一退の攻防が続く。49分、東京は左サイドの鈴木規からのクロスを最後は梶山にわたるがシュートを打てず。53分には左サイド馬場のゴール前への鋭い浮き球のパスに合わせ、どんぴしゃのタイミングで上がった阿部吉がヘッド! GKの好セーブに阻まれCKに。今度は鹿島が55分に右FKをMFフェルナンドが鋭いボールをゴール前に入れるがDFがクリア。59分には左サイドのDF新井場が、ドリブルからそのままシュートするもバーの上に。お互いDFラインを上げ、コンパクトな布陣でチャンスをうかがう。
ところが東京にハプニングが起きる。64分に負傷した茂庭に代わり三浦を投入。DFラインには今野が入る布陣となった。68分にはカウンターから梶山→左サイドのルーカスへ。ドリブルで中央に切り込みシュートを放つも、相手DFがブロック。逆に鹿島もカウンターからFW本山がドリブルで中央突破、左サイドにいたFWアレックス ミネイロにパスを送り、これをダイレクトでシュート。わずかにゴール右にはずすも決定的な場面であった。
【選手コメント】《今野》「厳しい試合だった。自分たちのリズムの時に失点してしまったが、落ち着いていた。いままでどおりに前から仕掛けていけば勝てると思っていた。ゴールのシーンは、誰かに当たるかな…と思ったけれど、落ち着いて左足で打てた。ああいう場面でシュートまでいくことが大事だと思っている。モニさんがケガをして、そこからリズムが崩れそうになったが、みんな集中していて、守りきることができた」《土肥》「失点した時間が早かったが、その後もいい感じで自分たちのサッカーができていたと思う。相手が前に蹴ってきていたので、ルーカスが前に残っていると、DFラインが間延びしてしまう。そこでハーフタイムには、押し上げるのか、全体的に下がるか…という点を修正した。ただ茂庭がケガをして、DFラインが変わり、どうしてもバランスが崩れて鹿島に押し込まれた。MF小笠原やFWアレックス ミネイロにキープされ、そこにFW本山らが飛び出してきて、苦しかったが、DF陣がよく抑えてくれた。(自身のファインプレーについても)DFがコースを切ってくれていたから。こういう戦いで負けなかったことは自信になる。いままでの積み重ねで、選手個人個人に自信がついてきている。それが今の(負けなしの)結果につながっていると思う」
【鹿島・セレーゾ監督の会見要旨】「総合的に見てチームの内容はよかったと思う。ただ、シュートの本数を見てもらえば分かるが、そこでしっかり決めなくてはいけない。特に前半の内容には満足しているのだが、試合を決められるような場面でしっかり決められなかったことが最後には響いてしまった。ただ前半も完璧とはいかなかった。特に失点した場面から、ビルドアップせずにDF岩政、あるいは大岩からロングボールを入れるだけになってしまった。そこは修正しなくてはいけない。落ち着いてやれば大丈夫だった。またMF深井の本来の出来が、開始15分ぐらい経ってからやっと発揮されるようになったのは問題だった。疲労が原因なのか、理由は分からないが、本人とまた相談する必要がある。FW本山をトップ下で使っており、彼があまりサイドに流れてしまうと、中央でFWアレックス ミネイロのサポートをする人間がいなくなってしまう。もう少しフォワード間の距離、パス交換、リズムというものが求められるのではないか。後半の立ち上がり15分は東京のペースだったが、その時間帯を過ぎたところで茂庭がケガをし、守備的な選手が投入され、引き分け狙いということで徹底してきた。鹿島は途中出場の選手が流れを変えたが、最後にしっかり詰めることができなかった。それが引き分けという結果になった。総合的に見てそれほど悪い内容ではなかったが、改善しなければいけないことは『ホームで勝ち切る』ということ。今シーズンは勝ち点を落とすことが多かった。途中から入った選手は流れを変え、チャンスを作ってくれたことには満足している。今日のMVPは東京GKの土肥だと思う。MF野沢の動き出しには満足している。ボールに絡んでほしいという要求によく応えてくれた。DF名良橋は、まだケガ上がりで慎重に使っている部分がある。シーズンをケガなく終えることを一番に考えているし、その中で少しずつ試合勘、リズムを取り戻していってほしい。FW鈴木隆も10分という短い時間で特色を出してくれたと思う。
Hard-Fought Battle Ends In Draw
The second half began finely balanced. Suzuki crossed to Kajiyama in the 49th. minute but the midfielder failed to muster a shot. In the 53rd. minute Baba curled a pin-point cross onto Abe's head but Sogahata produced a fine save to tip the powerful header over the bar. Kashima won a free kick in an identical position to the one they scored from but this time the TOKYO defence cleared the danger. Araiba dribbled forward into shooting range in the 59th. minute but fired wide. Both sides pushed their defence lines up the field into a compact formation and created chances.
A piece of ill-luck struck TOKYO in the 64th. minute as Moniwa sustained an injury and was replaced by Miura, with Konno moving back into defence. Kajiyama set up Lucas in the 68th. minute on a counter attack but the Antlers defence blocked his effort. The Antlers then countered through Motoyama who found Alex Mineiro unmarked on the edge of the area; Mineiro's curled shot clipped the outside of the post to the relief of the visitors.
A flurry of substitutions saw Kashima replace Aoki and Fukai with Narahashi and Nozawa while Kurisawa replaced Baba for TOKYO. Konno's absence from midfield began to tell and the balance shifted back to the home side. Nozawa shot wide in the 73rd. minute as did Araiba in the 75th. In the 76th. minute Doi palmed a powerful drive from Ogasawara round the post for a corner.
Asari replaced the tiring Kajiyama in the 78th. minute, making his first appearance since the 13th. game of the season, against Cerezo in July. TOKYO aimed to defend solidly and hit the Antlers on the break. The home side played their final card by sending on striker Suzuki in the 81st minute and throwing everything into attack. The TOKYO defence, marshalled superbly by the dominant Doi, refused to crack, repelling the Antlers and launching counter attacks. Only some desperate last ditch defending foiled Abe in the 88th. minute after Suzuki and Lucas had split the home defence. Asari struck a volley from outside the area straight at Sogahata in the last minute of regulation time. Neither side was able to conjure the game-winning effort and the match ended all square. TOKYO had earned a hard-fought away point.
Players' comments
"That was a really hard game. We were playing well and conceded but we kept calm as we knew we could turn the game around. For the goal I felt I had a chance, tried to keep cool and just hit the ball. Chances like that are very important. Moniwa was injured and it looked like we might lose our rhythm but we kept our concentration and defended well".
"We conceded early but after that were able to play our own football, I felt. The defence line became slow and was playing too deeply but we fixed it at half time. After Moniwa was injured we had to make changes then lost our balance and that allowed Kashima to push us back. Ogasawara and Alex Mineiro were able to get on the ball and pick out Motoyama's runs; it was difficult but the defence did very well. Not losing a game like that will give us greater confidence and contribute to our unbeaten run".
TOKYO manager Hara
"Antlers are second in the table and pushing for the title while we have never won here except in the Nabisco Cup, so we really wanted the three points today. Whenever we play here we always seem to be chasing the ball so I told the players to go out and be positive, not to be afraid. We put several good moves together but then went and conceded from a set play. That left a bad taste but we maintained our concentration and defended well. We had wanted to use Abe and Suzuki on the wings to bring Lucas into the game but when we tried to pass the ball around in midfield the Kashima pressure was too strong and we ended up losing possession and leaving ourselves open. At half time we focused on getting the ball out to the wings and then using the space behind the Antlers' defence. We looked much better in the second half but then lost Moniwa and started to flap. Replacing him was a worry and although Konno was having a good game in midfield we pulled him back into defence and used Miura's experience and leadership in midfield. Kajiyama and Baba were tiring so we sent on Kurisawa and Asari to stregthen the defence and attempt to strike on the counter attack. We created some chances and obviously would have liked to have scored but considering Moniwa's injury the team kept its concentration and fought well to the end. We wanted the three points but even one is important right now. Kashima are chasing the title and desperately wanted three points but our players were able to deal with everything they threw at us and earn a point".
Antlers manager Cerezo
"Overall it was a good performance today. Considering the number of shots we had though, we should have scored more particularly in the first half where we could have decided the game but didn't and that came back to hurt us. The first half wasn't perfect though; we conceded after Iwamasa and Oiwa played long balls without trying to build up the play. That's something we have to put right. If we can be composed we'll be fine. Also, Fukai was largely invisible for the first 15 minutes and that's a problem. I don't know if he's tired or what but I'll have to talk to him about it. We played Motoyama behind the striker but if he drifts out to the flanks then there's nobody to support Alex Mineiro. We have to work on the forwards' positioning, exchanging passes and their rhythm. TOKYO were on top for the first 15 minutes of the second half but after Moniwa was injured they sent on defensive players and played for a draw. Our substitutes make a difference but were unable to create or finish a decisive move. That's why the game was a draw. Overall we didn't play badly but we have to win at home. We've dropped too many points this season. I'm satisfied with the way the substitutes played and the chances they created. I was pleased with the movement Nozawa showed today. Doi was man of the match, I think. Narahashi is only just returning from injury and we felt it wise to use him sparingly; it's much better for a player to finish a season without an injury. We want him to regain his perception and rhythm. Suzuki only had 10 minutes on the pitch but played to his strengths".