第7節 2011/10/26(水)
観衆 10,660人 
天候 晴、中 気温 14.6度 湿度 34% 
主審:佐藤 隆治 副審:唐紙 学志/抱山 公彦 四審:赤阪 修

J2 第7節










FC東京 大分トリニータ
22' オウンゴール
得点者 45'+1 前田 俊介
90'+4 長谷川 博一
54' 田邉 草民 → 石川 直宏
62' 羽生 直剛 → ロベルト セザー
84' 谷澤 達也 → 永里 源気
選手交代 40' 池田 達哉 → 幸野 志有人
53' チェ ジョンハン → 長谷川 博一
80' 永芳 卓磨 → 藤川 祐司
18 シュート 12
9 CK 0
11 FK 17
49' 田邉 草民
警告 38' 姜 成浩
90'+4 幸野 志有人
GK 20 権田 修一
DF 14 中村 北斗
DF 2 徳永 悠平
DF 3 森重 真人
DF 33 椋原 健太
MF 4 高橋 秀人
MF 10 梶山 陽平
MF 27 田邉 草民
MF 39 谷澤 達也
FW 22 羽生 直剛
FW 49 ルーカス
GK 1 塩田 仁史
DF 36 ジェイド ノース
MF 17 永里 源気
MF 18 石川 直宏
MF 32 上里 一将
FW 9 ロベルト セザー
FW 38 坂田 大輔
GK 1 清水 圭介
DF 6 土岐田 洸平
DF 4 作田 裕次
DF 26 池田 達哉
MF 18 イ ドンミョン
MF 24 姜 成浩
MF 32 宮沢 正史
MF 11 チェ ジョンハン
FW 15 永芳 卓磨
FW 19 前田 俊介
FW 20 森島 康仁
GK 29 丹野 研太
MF 2 藤川 祐司
MF 28 為田 大貴
MF 33 幸野 志有人
MF 34 長谷川 博一



 10月26日(水)、延期されていた第7節が開催。ホーム国立にて大分トリニータを迎え撃つ。前節は鳥栖の厳しい守備に苦しみ、スコアレスドローに終わった。連勝記録はストップしたが、アウェイで得た勝点1を価値あるものと捉えることができる。  選手たちも「最低限の結果だが、ネガティブには感じていない」と前を向く。だが羽生は「ホームに帰ってきて、それだけで勝てるんじゃないかという気持ちになると、足元をすくわれる。僕たちはまだ何も成し遂げていない。だからこそ気を引き締めて、勝利だけをめざしたい」と、自らに言い聞かせるように、勝ち点3にこだわって戦うことを誓った。  対する大分は、現在勝ち点41で12位につける。前節ホームで京都に敗れ、数字の上では昇格の可能性は残すものの、優勝には届かないことに。ただし前半のアウェイ戦で引き分けに終わっていることもあり、「そういう状況のチームは往々にして、“首位を倒すこと”をモチベーションに、気迫のこもった戦いをしてくる」と大熊監督。もともとカウンター攻撃の鋭い大分。  特にFW森島は高さがあり、シャドーも務めることができる。また昨季東京に在籍したFW前田には、意表を突くシュートやパスもあり、ともに“一発”がある選手だ。それを抑えるためには中盤で主導権を握ること、またセカンドボールへの意識や、奪われたあとの切り替えの早さを続けたい。攻撃では、いかに相手を崩して得点につなげられるかに焦点が当てられる。  今節は今野が警告累積のため出場停止に。また前節から中2日と時間のない中で、これまでの実戦経験を活かしてセンターバックは徳永が、右サイドバックは中村が務める布陣で臨むことになった。大分はFW森島を1トップに。FW前田とFW永芳の2シャドー。左サイドにMFチェ、右にはMFイ。ダブルボランチをMF宮沢とMF姜が組む布陣。風が冷たく、冷え込む国立競技場にて、試合は19時4分に東京のキックオフでスタートした。

Demanding Program Nears End At Tokyo National Stadium 

In a game postponed from the 7th.round of fixtures, F.C.Tokyo faced up to Oita Trinita at the National Stadium. Although Tokyo's record-setting run of seven straight wins had been ended by the massed ranks of the Tosu defence in a 0-0 draw on Sunday, the side had earned a valuable point from that difficult encounter. 
The players themselves felt a draw was a fair return and were upbeat, despite the end of the winning streak. Hanyu urged, "We're going back home now but if we assume we're going to win just because of that we could have the carpet pulled out from under our feet. We have to focus all our energies on going for the win. We haven't achieved anything yet”. 
Opponents Oita lay in in the league with 41 points at kick off. The side had lost at home to Kyoto last time out but were still mathematically capable of gaining promotion although winning the league was impossible. The reverse fixture earlier in the season had finished in a draw. "Sometimes it happens," commented Tokyo manager Kiyoshi Okuma, "that teams in their kind of position have the motivation and drive to knock over the league-leaders". 
Noted counter-attackers Oita fielded lanky, busy striker Morishima in attack, a player capable of filling the lone striker role or playing off another forward. Alongside Morishima was forward Maeda, who played for Tokyo last season, another player capable of producing the unexpected, be it a pass or a shot. Controlling the midfield to deny those two any service would be vital, as would winning the second balls and then turning defence into attack at high pace. 
Konno was suspended for the game, Tokunaga taking his place at centre back with Nakamura filling in for Tokunaga on the right. Oita began the game with Morishima as attacking spearhead, supported by Maeda and Nagayoshi. Choi and Lee filled the left and right midfield slots, with Miyazawa and Kang as defensive midfielders. 
A cold wind was blowing through the stadium on a chilly evening in central Tokyo as the home side kicked off shortly after 7pm. 


 大分は、守備時には右MFチェと左MFイが完全に引いて5バックの形に。試合の立ち上がりは、大分の変則的な陣形に戸惑いがあったのか、その勢いに押し込まれた。だが徐々に落ち着き、パスを回してチャンスにつなげようとした。15分には梶山が低い弾道のミドル。16分には田邉のクロスからルーカスがオーバーヘッドを放つ。19分にも梶山がドリブルで右エリアに進入し、ライン際からクロス。相手のクリアを拾った谷澤がシュートしたが、ブロックに阻まれ、CKを得るにとどまった。  迎えた22分、左前線に羽生が流れ、クロスを送る。ニアの田邉がヘッドで競り、中央の流れたボールに谷澤が反応。果敢に狙ったシュートは相手GKの足でのセーブに阻まれるが、再びこぼれを谷澤が追いかけ、大分DFがクリアしようとしたボールがネットに転がり込む。大分のオウンゴールとなったが、きっちりと先制を果たした。  先制したのちは、多少ゆとりのある試合運びに。パスミスから大分のカウンターをくらう場面もあったものの、33分には速攻からルーカスがシュート。36分には梶山の攻め上がりから厚みのある攻撃を仕掛け、最後は羽生がミドル。39分にも田邉→羽生の落としから谷澤がシュート。立て続けに決定的なシーンをつくるが、このチャンスを活かすことができず。  すると前半ロスタイム、右サイドからのパスを、右エリアで受けた大分FW前田が胸トラップから鋭く反転。見事なボレーを放たれる。これが逆サイドのネットに決まり……前半終了間際に同点に追いつかれて、試合は振り出しに戻ることになった。

Own Goal Gives Tokyo Lead 

When Oita defended midfielders Choi and Lee dropped back, creating a five-man defence line. The irregular formation caused Tokyo some early difficulties but the home side soon settled and began to pass the ball around, creating chances. In the 15th.minute Kajiyama blasted a low drive from middle-range while Lucas attempted an overhead kick from Tanabe's cross a minute later. In the 19th.minute Kajiyama dribbled into the Oita area on the right, took the ball to the byline and crossed. The visitors' defence cleared the danger but only as far as Yazawa, whose shot was blocked away for a corner. 
Tokyo broke the deadlock in the 22nd.minute. Hanyu took the ball down the left and crossed, Tanabe helping the ball deeper into the Oita box with a flicked header. Yazawa reacted fastest, trapping the ball on his chest and prodding a shot on goal as the ball dropped. Shimizu, the Oita keeper, stuck out a foot and blocked the goal-bound effort but was unable to prevent the rebound striking his own defender and looping into the net. 
With the lead established Tokyo seemed comfortably in control of the game, despite the occasional stray pass leading to an Oita counter-attack. Lucas had an attempt on goal following a rapid break in the 33rd.minute while an attack in the 36th.minute led by Kajiyama finished with Hanyu shooting narrowly wide. In the 39th.minute Tanabe played the ball forward, Hanyu knocked it down and Yazawa shot. Tokyo were creating decent chances but were unable to finish them off. 
Then, at the very end of first half additional time, Oita played the ball up to Maeda on the edge of the Tokyo area with his back to goal. Maeda took the ball on his chest, pivoted sharply inside and cracked a volley that flashed beyond Gonda and nestled inside the far post. There wasn't time to restart the game and the first half ended 1-1. 



 劣勢を跳ね返そうと、54分には田邉に代えて石川を投入するが、57分には東京DFの裏にスルーパスを出され、大分FW長谷川に抜け出され、権田と1対1に。決定的なピンチの場面だったが、シュートは権田がセーブ! 60分には右前線へのパスに石川が追いつき、そこから中へ。こぼれたボールから高橋が抑えたミドルを放ったが、DFに当たってCKを得るにとどまった。

 62分には羽生に代えてロベルト セザーを投入。互いに攻守の切り替えが早く、慌ただしい展開になったが、75分には梶山が相手DFにプレスをかけて奪い、エリア内に進入。後ろから倒されたかに見えたが、ノーホイッスル。時間の経過ともに東京は前掛かりになり、猛攻を仕掛ける。だがラストプレーの精度が足りず、連係がかみ合わない場面が続いた。77分には相手DFのクリアから、石川が右エリア角から左足で狙ったが、GKの好セーブに阻まれ…CKに逃れられた。続いて左スローインから谷澤→梶山が仕掛け、CKを得て、高橋がヘディングしたが枠外に。

 最後まで勝ち点3をめざして猛攻を仕掛けたが、 83分には人数をかけて左サイドから切り込み、混戦の中からエリアの石川がシュート体制に入るが、DFがブロック…。こぼれに詰めた椋原がミドルを狙ったが枠外に。89分、中村の右クロスからゴール前にセザーが迫力ある飛び込みを見せたが、わずかに合わず。続いて今度は左から椋原、石川が切り込み、最後はルーカスが身体ごと飛び込んだが、これも打ち切れず…。









Late Goal Sinks Tokyo

Buoyed by the equalising goal, Oita looked the more threatening in the opening minutes of the second half. In the 46th.minute Tokyo fouled Maeda as he looked to dribble his way into the penalty area; Miyazawa lined up the free kick but the Tokyo wall blocked his effort away. Following another Oita free kick in the 51st.minute Tanabe intercepted a pass from Choi and raced upfield in a rapid counter attack; Tanabe's final ball to Yazawa on the left was overhit and forced him to take the ball wider before crossing back into the centre. The effort evaded Tanabe and the move came to nothing. 
Tokyo attempted to regain the upper hand by introducing Ishikawa for Tanabe in the 53th.minute. Barely three minutes later a through pass split the Tokyo defence and suddenly forward Hasegawa was clean through inside the penalty area with only Gonda to beat. Gonda saved Hasegawa's fierce low drive brilliantly, then spun around and grabbed the ball as it trickled towards the goal line. In the 60th.minute Ishikawa raced onto an upfield ball and squared it into the Oita area, from where it eventually reached Takahashi, pushing forward from midfield. Takahashi shot but the ball struck a defender and sailed out for a corner. 
75th.minute Kajiyama stole the ball from a dawdling defender and burst into the Oita area. He was flattened by a lunging tackle from behind that the referee judged to have been not a foul. Tokyo continued to pour forward in waves but the final pass was either lacking accuracy or the players' misjudged their movement. In the 77th.minute Ishikawa cut inside and shot left-footed from the right corner of the Oita area, drawing a save from Shimizu and earning a corner. From yet another corner, earned after Kajiyama received the ball from a throw in and pushed forward down the left, Takahashi made contact with a powerful header but directed the ball wide. 
Tokyo continued to throw men forward in search of the winning goal. In the 83rd.minute a swift move down the left led to a wild scramble that ended with a defender blocking Ishikawa's goal-bound effort away. Mukuhara pounced on the loose ball but skittered a shot wide from outside the penalty area. In the 89th.minute Roberto Cesar flung himself at Nakamura's cross from the right, missing the ball by the narrowest of margins. Moments later Lucas went close again, this time missing an Ishikawa cross by centimetres. 
The game was into its 94th.minute when Oita intercepted a stray Cesar pass and launched a counter attack. Morishima took the ball straight up the field and to the edge of the area before slipping it to Hasegawa on his left. Hasegawa smashed the ball low and hard between Gonda's legs and into the net. The final whistle blew moments after the restart, condemning Tokyo to a shocking defeat. It was the first time the side had conceded two since the Tochigi game in August and the first home loss of the year. 

Players' comments 
"We were at home and really we wanted to win. We kept pushing forward and that left us unbalanced at the back. I think we should have kept something in reserve and held a better balance. I didn't feel particularly worried when Oita had possession and were passing the ball around. We weren't careful enough when they pushed men forward on the counter attack". 

"I can't say anything about the goal except that it was just lucky. We haven't been playing the ball around well at all recently and we've lost our balance for long stretches of games. If we can't fix it then it's going to be tough". 

F.C.Tokyo manager Kiyoshi Okuma 
"The timing of Oita's first goal brought them back to life. At the moment we're far too impatient in attack which means we overextend ourselves, we're losing possession poorly and that leaves us open. We have to forget our impatience but keep the desire to win over the six remaining games and Sunday's match. We're going to have to look at the way we're rushing, the way we lose the ball and reconsider the make up of the team. I think we got a taste of the dangers of the kind of football we play tonight. It's time to test out our strength in depth. We want to be united as we approach the final run in. 
Where is the impatience coming from? It's not only the mood but my player selection as well. In football attacking with pace is better, but it can leave you isolated and lacking support. Then, if the defensive line doesn't push up it can leave your team stretched and create gaps. Balance is important. We have to fix that as a team and we need player selection. Our substitutions allowed Oita to gain some momentum. In the first half Hanyu and the others started the moves and our defensive balance was good. The best combination would have been the speed with which we attacked in the second half together with the balance we had in the first. 
Were we trying to draw out our opponents defence line by having Ishikawa shoot from middle range? We have to improve the quality of our ideas, the quality of our passes when there is space behind the defence and the way we break the lines. In the end the way we missed from our attempts on goal handed the rhythm to our opponents. 
Was there not enough movement from the third attacker? When teams defend deeply it's difficult to get beyond people, as we saw in the game last week. We have to be more aware of how to use the space that is there. Our defence line didn't push up in the second half. We played Takahashi as a lone defensive midfielder because we wanted to win and integrated him into the backline to take care of the threat from the players Oita left upfield. Unfortunately, it didn't work out. The way we lost the ball as we were pushing on was poor". 

Oita manager Tasaka 
"We had a good understanding of the strengths of the F.C.Tokyo side. Also, we don't get too many chances to play at the National Stadium in J2. Some of our lads had never played here before and given that we felt the key point would be how far we could play our own game. For the first 30 minutes of the match against a lively opponent we looked as though we'd left our backbone at home. Really, it looked like men against boys out there. In the second half though we ran hard and attacked the ball, and when we lost possession we battled to win it back. We attacked as a team and defended as one. 
Although we would probably have been happy with a 1-1 draw we wanted to see how far we could go by really challenging Tokyo. We weren't playing for a draw and went for the win right to the end. Regarding the team, we chose different types of players in different positions than usual. We played Maeda up front with Morishima shadowing him, while Nagayoshi, who played in defensive midfield last week, also played off the main striker. We're thinking of ways to get the best out of the team".