第36節 2011/11/19(土)
観衆 5,746人 
天候 曇、弱 気温 20.1度 湿度 88% 
主審:岡部 拓人 副審:石川 恭司/秋澤 昌治 四審:丸井 良夫

J2 第36節










ガイナーレ鳥取 FC東京
85' 福井 理人
得点者 23' 森重 真人
51' ルーカス
70' 谷澤 達也
80' 鈴木 達也
90'+2 上里 一将
55' 吉野 智行 → 金 善珉
69' 美尾 敦 → 岡野 雅行
78' 三浦 旭人 → 森 英次郎
選手交代 62' 田邉 草民 → 鈴木 達也
67' ルーカス → ロベルト セザー
72' 梶山 陽平 → 上里 一将
5 シュート 16
3 CK 2
14 FK 16
21' 服部 年宏
29' 三浦 旭人
GK 48 小針 清允
DF 27 丁 東浩
DF 23 水本 勝成
DF 4 戸川 健太
DF 18 鈴木 伸貴
MF 14 吉野 智行
MF 10 実信 憲明
MF 28 三浦 旭人
MF 6 服部 年宏
FW 29 福井 理人
FW 13 美尾 敦
GK 1 井上 敦史
DF 2 尾崎 瑛一郎
DF 15 内間 安路
DF 22 森 英次郎
MF 16 金 善珉
MF 30 岡野 雅行
FW 9 ハメド
GK 1 塩田 仁史
DF 2 徳永 悠平
DF 3 森重 真人
DF 6 今野 泰幸
DF 33 椋原 健太
MF 4 高橋 秀人
MF 10 梶山 陽平
MF 27 田邉 草民
MF 39 谷澤 達也
FW 22 羽生 直剛
FW 49 ルーカス
GK 31 常澤 聡
DF 14 中村 北斗
MF 17 永里 源気
MF 32 上里 一将
FW 9 ロベルト セザー
FW 11 鈴木 達也
FW 38 坂田 大輔


昇格が決まる大一番! ここまで積み重ねてきたものが試される一戦

 リーグ第36節は、アウェイでガイナーレ鳥取と対戦。昇格に王手をかけた今節、引き分け以上で3位以内が確定するが、天皇杯神戸戦で延長戦を戦い、そこから中2日での戦い。「プロで初めて120分を戦った選手もいる。疲労感があるのは否めないが、鳥取も同じ条件。フィジカル的には変わないないはずなので、メンタルがさらに大事になる」と大熊監督。そして「昇格がかかる大事な試合であることは間違いないが、ここからの3試合もチームが少しでも成長するための戦いをしたい」と、さらなる決意を話した。  対する鳥取は、現在勝ち点31で19位。下位に位置するものの、「これまでも順位に関わらず、相手の戦い方や高いモチベーションに苦しめられてきた」と大熊監督。鳥取も「首位をくってやろうという目標をもって臨んでくるだろうし、ホームで『地域のために』という思いもあるはず」。その中でもMF服部、DF戸川ら、J1での経験が豊富な選手が在籍。背番号10MF実信は鳥取の“顔”ともいえる存在で攻撃をつかさどっている。FWハメド、阿部には“一発”があり、決してあなどることはできない。  東京は、日本代表の今野が復帰。ワールドカップ予選・アウェイ2連戦でフル出場を果たしたが、元気にチームに合流。一方で権田がU-22日本代表の活動のためチームを離れた。先発はGKに塩田が復帰、今野と森重がセンターバック、徳永が右サイドバックを、サイドは田邉と谷澤が務める布陣で臨む。決して準備に十分な時間はなかったが、羽生が「今季の集大成」というように、ここまで積み重ねてきたものが試され、問われる一戦でもある。  これまで粘り強く、相手の出方を冷静にみて試合の中で修正を施してきた。今節も状況に応じた判断力がカギになるが、そのためにも運動量を落とさずに戦いたい。もちろん最後まであきらめず勝ち点3の奪取をめざすが、引き分けでも3位以内が確定するため、有利な状況であることは確か。アウェイの熱い雰囲気に飲まれず、焦らず、自信をもって自分たちのサッカーで勝利をつかみにいく。試合はとりぎんバードスタジアムにて東京のキックオフで17時03分に開始された。

Tokyo Face Key Game In Promotion Challenge

F.C.Tokyo made the long trip to Tottori to take on Gainare in the 36th. round of games. Only two days after overcoming Vissel Kobe in extra time in the Emperor's Cup, Tokyo faced a vital game in their quest to regain J1 status, as a draw or better would see the side gain promotion. Manager Kiyoshi Okuma commented, "For some of the team it was the first time they'd ever played 120 minutes. Mind you, it's the same for Tottori. We can't do anything about the physical side but the mental side will be important. There's no mistake that this is an important game in the promotion race but we also want the team to show progress over the final three games of the season". 
Opponents Tottori lay in in the league with 31 points at kick off. "Despite their position they've caused teams trouble this year with their playing style and their high level of motivation. I'm sure they'll be very keen to knock us off our perch and they're playing for local pride as well," was Kiyoshi Okuma's view on the opposition. Midfielder Hattori and defender Togawa both had lengthy careers in J1, while midfielder Sanenobu, sporting the number 10 shirt, was the face of the team and its attacking orchestrator. Forwards Abe and Hamed were both capable of conjuring a goal from nothing. 
Tokyo welcomed back defender Konno from National Team duty, fully fit after playing two consecutive away games in the World Cup qualifying round. Gonda was absent with the Japan Olympic team, meaning a start for Shiota in goal. Konno teamed up with Morishige in central defence, Tokunaga appeared at right back with Tanabe and Yazawa on the flanks. The side had little time to prepare together during the week but, as Hanyu pointed out, the game was a challenge for the team to show what it had learned over the course of the year so far. 
A gritty display, responding to the in-game situation was called for and although a win would be preferable a draw would ensure promotion, a comfortable position for Tokyo to be in. The side was looking for a confident, unhurried performance, not unduly worried by the fierce local atmosphere. The visitors kicked off shortly after 5pm on a cool and cloudy afternoon. 


 序盤から東京がボールを支配し、つないで攻めようとするが、鳥取は5バックに近い陣形で守備に人数をかけてきた。それに対して決定機を作れない時間が続いた。しかし21分、右エリア手前の梶山がキープ力を活かし、中央の谷澤へ。谷澤はフェイントで相手DFをかわしてスペースに抜け出そうとするが、ファールを受け、ペナルティアーク中央手前でFKを得る。23分、この場面で森重が右足を一閃! 見事な直接FKを右に決め、先制を果たした。  これで勢いをつかみ、31分には梶山が相手3人に囲まれながらドリブルで抜け出し、中央で羽生→谷澤がつなぎ、右サイドを上がった徳永が強烈なミドルを放つが、GKセーブでCKに。33分には鳥取の速攻をくらい、グラウンダーの左クロスに合わせてFW美尾にエリアに抜け出され、最大のピンチを迎えるも今野がスライディングでクリア! こぼれからシュートを打たれるも、これも今野がカット!!  東京も豪快なカウンターに持ち込む。だが徳永のクロスに、ゴール前の梶山がスライディングで合わせてシュートはポストをヒット。35分にも徳永のクロスからルーカスがどんぴしゃのヘッドを放つが、GKのセーブに阻まれる。41分には東京DFの裏に鳥取MF実信に抜け出され、ピンチを迎えるが、今野、塩田の素早い反応で守り切り、1点のリードのままで後半へと折り返した。

Morishige Free Kick Gives Tokyo First Half Lead 

Tokyo began by dominating possession and pushing forward but a near five-man Tottori backline prevented them gaining a clear site of goal. After struggling to create clear-cut chances the game suddenly burst into life in the 21st.minute. Kajiyama held the ball up just outside the Tottori area on the right before slipping it inside to Yazawa, who attempted to feint past a defender and into the box. Yazawa went down under the challenge, giving Tokyo a free kick in a central position. Morishige stepped up and smashed the ball past Kobari to give Tokyo the lead. 
Tokyo had their tails up and Kajiyama showed great skill to dribble past three opponents in the 31st.minute, before Hanyu and Yazawa set up the overlapping Tokunaga on the right. Tokunaga unleashed a fierce drive that Kobari palmed around the post for a corner. In the 33rd.minute Tottori launched a quick break down the right wing, striker Mio darted clear of the Tokyo defence and attempted to reach a low early cross. Konno put in a superb sliding tackle to prevent Mio shooting and then leapt back to his feet to block a shot as the ball ran loose. 
Tokyo then regained possession and launched a counter attack. Tokunaga raced down the wing and turned in a cross that Kajiyama met at full stretch, only for the ball to strike the post and rebound to safety. Lucas met yet another Tokunaga cross with a thumping header in the 35th.minute, Kobari producing a fine save to deny Tokyo a second goal. Konno and Shiota were called on again in the 41st.minute as Tottori midfielder Sanenobu darted through the defence, the pair teaming up to disperse the threat. The first period ended 1-0.

上里の移籍後初ゴールを含む大量5得点で勝利! 1年でのJ1復帰を決めた!!

 後半に入って間もない51分、エリア手前のルーカスが、羽生からのパスを受けてワントラップし、反転してシュート! ボールは左下に決まり、ルーカスの技ありのゴールでリードを広げる。62分には田邉に代えて鈴木を、続いてルーカスに代えてロベルト セザーを投入。多彩な攻撃で鳥取ゴールに迫った。迎えた70分、相手DFのクリアがエリア中央のセザーのもとに渡り、セザーの落としから、谷澤が豪快なシュートを突き刺した。



 【選手コメント】《今野》「今シーズンの最低目標だった昇格を果たせて、嬉しいよりもホットしている。昨年J2に降格させてしまってファン・サポーターの皆さんに申し訳ない気持ちでいっぱいだったし、今年はいいサッカーを見せて昇格したかった。アウェイまで多くの方が来てくれて選手の力になるし、ホームのような雰囲気を作ってくれる。本当に東京サポーターは最高です! 今シーズンは本当に苦しんだ1年。J2でも良いチームや選手はたくさんいるし、最初は結果が出なかったけれど、みんなで話して団結力も上がったし、いいチームになったと思う。本当に長かったし苦しかった。移動も大変だった。

 今シーズン、キャプテンをやっていることは自分にとっても良い経験になっているし、積極的にトライしているのでプラスになっていると思う。自分のことだけでなく、チームのこともすごく考えるようになった。試合に出ていない選手にも声を掛けたり気にするようになりました。少しずつですが(笑) 合言葉は『強くなってJ1に戻る』ことなので、変わったところを見せたい。明日鳥栖の結果によっては優勝が決まるので、まずはそれを祈るだけです(笑)。

 《羽生》「(昇格の瞬間、ピッチに立っていた感想は?)本当にうれしかったですね! 陽平も足を攣っていて3人目の交代が彼だったけれど、『ニュウさん、大丈夫?』と言ってくれて。でも自分としてはあの場にいたいという気持ちが強くて大丈夫だと。最後は自分もちょっと攣っていたけれど、久しぶりにフル出場できたこともそうだけれど、何よりあの場にいられてよかった。今日は試合前は、少しカタいというか、静かな雰囲気だった。みんな思うところはあったと思う。その中でちょっとテンションを上げようと思って『昨季の西京極の気持ちを思い出そう』という話もした。






Uesato Bags First Goal As Tokyo Run Riot

Tokyo wasted no time in doubling their lead as the second half unfolded. In the 51st.minute Lucas received the ball from Hanyu just outside the penalty area in a central position. The Brazilian striker deftly controlled the ball with his first touch, then span and cracked a low drive into the bottom left corner of the goal. Suzuki replaced Tanabe in the 62nd.minute while Lucas made way for Roberto Cesar in the 67th. Tokyo continued to attack inventively and it wasn't long before another goal arrived. In the 70th.minute Cesar controlled a defensive clearance inside the Tottori area and neatly laid the ball off to Yazawa who hammered it past Kobari to put Tokyo 3-0 ahead. 
Tokyo replaced Kajiyama with Uesato in the 72nd.minute and the young midfielder soon made an impact on the game. In the 80th.minute he floated a ball over the Tottori defence, Suzuki raced away then cut inside a defender and finished comfortably past Kobari. The two substitutes had combined to extend the lead to four. Despite the scoreline Tottori continued to battle on and were rewarded with a consolation goal in the 85th.minute as Shiota made a fine save to deny midfielder Okano but was unable to prevent Fukui from reaching the rebound first. 
As the game moved into additional time Roberto Cesar latched onto a long feed down the right, burst into the area and shot. Kobari saved, the ball running out to Suzuki on the left. Kobari again saved Suzuki's effort but Uesato was on hand to force the ball over the line for his first goal for Tokyo, and the fifth of the afternoon. Tokyo had been able to play their own game all afternoon and a handsome victory was the reward. The three points earned gave Tokyo a total of 74 and guaranteed a return to J1 in 2012. 

Players' comments 
"We've achieved our minimum aim for the season by winning promotion and although I'm happy I'm more relieved. We felt terrible about disappointing the supporters by getting relegated last season and so we wanted to play some good football for them and go straight back up. It was fantastic that so many of our fans made the journey today and they gave the side a real boost, making it feel like a home game. Our fans really are the best! It's been a long, hard season. The travel involved was difficult as well. There are a lot of good teams and good players in J2; we weren't getting the results at first but put our heads together and developed into a good team, I think. 
Being captain this year has been a great experience for me and trying things in a positive way has been a real plus. It's made me think more about not only my own game but the team as a whole. It's made me pay attention to things like talking more to the players who aren't appearing in games. Little by little we're living up to the season's motto of becoming stronger and getting back into the top flight. We want to show what's changed in our game. Depending on the Tosu result tomorrow we could be celebrating winning the league so we'll be wishing for that first". 

"How did it feel being on the pitch at the moment we won promotion? I was incredibly happy, of course. Yohei ( Kajiyama ) had cramp and was our third substitution; he asked me if I was OK and I said I was as I really wanted to be on the pitch for the final whistle. I had a little cramp myself since it was the first time I'd played the full 90 minutes for a while but I'm really pleased that I was on the pitch at the end. Before kick off everyone seemed a little tense and the mood was quiet. I thought I'd try to raise the mood and told them to remember how we'd felt at Nishikyogoku after the final game last year. 
Last year we should have been able to do it for ourselves but couldn't and were forced to depend on outside help. This time I talked about going out and winning it by our own ability, with our own hands. Looking back over this season various things happened to us as a team but we overcame them. Supporting each other has brought us here today. I'm very grateful to the lads and it's been a season that made me realise how important relationships are. 
What about J1 next year? We'll need to think about how to improve the team. There are many areas we need to work on and I'll be working hard to improve my game as well". 

F.C.Tokyo manager Kiyoshi Okuma 
"Our opponents changed their system, just as Shonan did the other week. We've suffered this year but now the players have developed the ability to make adjustments themselves on the field, without being given much advice. The game was fairly even for a long time but again the team has developed the ability to dig out or grind out a win. The team isn't just 11 but 31 players; I said this after the Shonan game and again today we saw that the team is increasing in strength. 
When Hirayama and Yonemoto come back that will further increase the competition for places and the overall unity of the side. We want to win our two remaining games and return to J1 in a stronger position than when we left it. 
Our supporters were incredible today, they really made it feel like a home game. Last year we hardly won at home and left them with nothing but bad memories yet they didn't abandon us and to see so many make the long trip here to support the team leaves me speechless with gratitude. There's nothing to say except thank you". 

Tottori manager Matsuda 
"First of all I'd like to congratulate F.C.Tokyo on their promotion to J1. We saw today's game as a real challenge for us. We changed the system slightly for this game but beyond that we're looking at various possibilities for the future. We prepared for the game with that in mind. We spent a lot of time defending but we were also able to enjoy some periods of possession. As I said, the game was a challenge for us but I felt the players gave their best. At the moment we're not up to the task but I felt it was a performance that showed great possibility if we can improve our quality in every area. In the individual duels during the game it was clear that Tokyo were better than us. We need to improve the individual ability of the players at the same time as we improve the team overall. I think the game made that quite clear".